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Discover all the Israeli ministries connected to FIRM that are committed to Gospel-centered outreach work to transform Israel.

Chosen People Ministries Chosen People Ministries Chosen People Ministries Ramat Gan, Israel Evangelizing and discipling Jewish people worldwide Chosen People Ministries evangelizes, disciples, serves, and prays for Jewish people everywhere and helps fellow believers do the same. Dr. Mitch Glaser, President   Michael Zinn, National Director  
CMJ Israel CMJ Israel CMJ Israel Jerusalem, Israel Honoring and serving the people of Israel CMJ Israel is committed to representing the love of Jesus in word and deed to Jews and gentiles living in the land and those visiting from abroad. Rev. Cn. Daryl Fenton, Executive Director  
Derech Avraham Derech Avraham Derech Avraham Jerusalem, Israel Building unity in the Middle East Derech Avraham is building an international, relational network of disciples that is working on practical and spiritual initiatives to build unity and a Kingdom mindset in the Middle East that will ultimately bless the nations. Michael Kerem, Leadership Team Coordinator  
Dugit Messianic Outreach Centre Dugit Messianic Outreach Centre Dugit Messianic Outreach Centre Tel Aviv, Israel Reaching out to Israelis with the Good News of Messiah Dugit Messianic Outreach Centre is reestablishing Tel Aviv as the spiritual gateway of Israel through outreach, discipleship, teaching, and intercession. Avi Mizrachi, Executive Director and Pastor  
HaMaayan Congregation and Ministries HaMaayan Congregation and Ministries HaMaayan Congregation and Ministries Kfar Saba, Israel Worshiping God and proclaiming the Good News in Kfar Saba Ha Maayan Congregation is giving glory to their Heavenly Father by serving Him and their community, proclaiming His salvation to Israel and their Arab neighbors, and providing a family-like environment that meets the basic and spiritual needs of each person so they can sense and feel the love of God. Tony Sperandeo, Pastor  
Jews for Jesus Jews for Jesus Jews for Jesus Tel Aviv, Israel We relentlessly pursue God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people. Jews for Jesus is making disciples and fulfilling the Great Commission by engaging Jewish people with the gospel message, equipping them to follow Jesus, and inspiring Christians to do the same. ,   Eli Birnbaum, Israel Director  
Lech L’cha Lech L’cha Lech L’cha Petah Tikva, Israel Making disciples who make disciples Lech L’cha is bringing glory to Jesus by encouraging young Israeli believers to live a life of discipleship, to study God’s word daily, to evangelize, and to spend time in prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. Yohanan Stanfield, Founder   Shmuel Salway, Director  
Vision for Israel Vision for Israel Vision for Israel Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, Israel Healing Hearts and Meeting Practical Needs Vision for Israel is committed to helping decrease poverty rates in Israel, and spreading love, truth and healing to the people who need it the most. Barry & Batya Segal, Leaders  
Yad HaShmona Yad HaShmona Yad HaShmona Moshav Shitufi Yad Hashmona Cultivating the land and building a community of believers for generations to come Yad Hashmona is a communal Moshav in Israel, that continues the vision of the early Messianic Pioneers in the Land of Israel, who cultivated the land, shared the Gospel and built a community. Ayelet Ronen, Moshav Chairperson   Itai Meron, Nonprofit Director  
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