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Vision for Israel
Vision for Israel
Healing Hearts and Meeting Practical Needs

Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, Israel
About Vision for Israel

Vision for Israel is committed to helping decrease poverty rates in Israel, and spreading love, truth and healing to the people who need it the most.

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Barry & Batya Segal
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Healing Hearts and Meeting Practical Needs

The number of people living in poverty in Israel is alarming. Vision for Israel wants to change this, and effectively reach people with the love of Yeshua by meeting their needs in a practical way.

Each Vision for Israel outreach project is purpose-driven and directly impacts our brothers and sisters in need. Together, we can rebuild Israel and the Middle East.

Help rebuild lives and families in Israel

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Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, Israel

Vision for Israel

Vision for Israel aims to bless Israel in practical ways, restoring lives by spreading love and compassion, distributing humanitarian aid and disaster relief to those who need it most. Vision for Israel has been operating in partnership with the Israeli government and social services for the past 25 years, impacting over ONE MILLION lives and decreasing poverty in Israel.

About the Leadership

Barry & Batya Segal

Batya was born in an orthodox Jewish family with a Yemenite background in Jerusalem. In 1981, Barry made Aliyah from the USA, and moved to Jerusalem to serve with Derek and Ruth Prince. Barry met Batya at a Bible study, and they married in Jerusalem in 1987.

Barry and Batya Segal founded Vision for Israel in 1994, a non-profit, charitable organization established to help rebuild the nation of Israel, for the physical and spiritual restoration of the people in despair living in Israel. In addition, the Segals are internationally known speakers, worship leaders, and television hosts.

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