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Resource & Training

Discover all the Israeli ministries connected to FIRM that are committed to resource and train the local body of believers, to transform Israel.

Anchor of Hope Anchor of Hope Anchor of Hope Jerusalem, Israel Restoring hope to believers in Israel through Godly counsel Anchor of Hope supports the restoration and healing of the Body in Israel through Biblically based counseling and support services, and by training a network of believing counselors to serve in congregations and Anchor of Hope Counseling Center. Dr. Katherine Snyder, Director  
Caspari Center Caspari Center Caspari Center Jerusalem, Israel Equipping people with practical resources for life and ministry Caspari Center equips, teaches, and supports the local and international Body of believers by helping them gain deeper understanding of God and Jesus through Scripture and the Jewish roots of our faith. Elisabeth Eriksen Levy, International director/CEO  
Hagefen Publishing Hagefen Publishing Hagefen Publishing Rishon LeTzion, Israel Supporting believers in Israel with evangelistic and discipleship materials HaGefen Publishing is helping the Body of Messiah in Israel grow in the knowledge of Jesus and is equipping them for ministry and evangelism by providing electronic and print resources to reach Jewish people in their own language. David Zadok, Director  
Jerusalem Seminary Jerusalem Seminary Jerusalem Seminary Jerusalem, Israel Equipping Believers to Understand Their Faith in and through the Land of the Bible Jerusalem Seminary’s objective is to make biblical education and ministry training in the Land of the Bible essential and transformative. Baruch Brian Kvasnica, Founder and Director  
 Kehila Ministries International  Kehila Ministries International Kehila Ministries International Kiryat Haim, Israel Kehila News Israel Kehila News Israel (KNI) is creating an online, Israeli news site curated from the Messianic community in Israel to benefit, unify, and strengthen the local and international Body of Messiah. Joseph Magen, Founder  
Little Hearts Preschool Little Hearts Preschool Little Hearts Preschool Jerusalem, Israel Nurturing children through faith-based education. The Little Hearts Preschool makes a difference in the lives of children by creating a loving and nurturing environment that models unity amongst the Arab, Jewish and International communities.
Medallion Medallion Medallion Jerusalem, Israel Creating Bible-based teaching materials for children and youth Medallion is creating, producing, and distributing original, culturally appropriate, Bible-based literature, curriculum, and resources for children and youth in the Body of Messiah in Israel. Debby Nalbandian, Director  
One for Israel One for Israel One for Israel Netanya, Israel Sharing the Gospel and training leaders in Israel One for Israel is reaching Jews and Arabs in Israel with the Gospel in a culturally relevant manner and is training them to be disciples who are equipped, mobilized, and energized to believe in God’s promises and participate in His purpose for Israel and the Nations. Erez Soref, President  
The Bible Society in Israel The Bible Society in Israel The Bible Society in Israel Jerusalem, Israel Giving Israel access to the complete Word of God The Bible Society of Israel is making the Word of God available and accessible to everyone in Israel and is engaging Jewish people with the life-changing message of Salvation. Victor Kalisher, General Director  
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