
Join our community of monthly donors transforming lives in Israel with the love of Jesus

Choose your monthly impact amount here
Choose your monthly impact amount here

Today, 1,757 Tribe members are bringing gospel impact to 21,489 people in Israel every year.

What is The Tribe?

The Tribe is a passionate and faithful community of 1,757 monthly donors committed to transforming lives in Israel with the love of Jesus.

People, like you, from all around the world, are giving anything they can to see God’s purposes for Israel accomplished in our generation.

Local Israel Ministries


Support gospel-centered ministries transforming lives in Israel through the love of Jesus
The 100% Model


We cover our operating expenses privately so that 100% of your donation goes directly towards local ministry work
Know Your Impact


Hear the stories of transformed lives and see the impact your gifts are making, month after month

A Moment in History

We see monumental moments throughout scripture where God uses ordinary people to fulfill His promises. God used Moses to part the Red Sea to free His people. He chose David, a young shepherd boy, to defy all odds and kill Goliath.

We are living in a moment like that today! The Good News went around the world and now it’s time to bring it back to where it all began. Right now, God is bringing together people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, to step into their role in His story.

People Just Like You

The Tribe is made up of generous people, just like you, partnering with local believers to see Israelis come to know their Messiah.

We believe that one day, Israel will be transformed by the love of Jesus. And we are going to celebrate that day together.

Dome of the Rock

What to

What to

Impact Updates

Through monthly updates on ministry projects, you can track where your money is going in real-time and see the eternal impact you are making each month.

Heart & Soul

We want you to feel connected to the lives you are transforming. Through our regular video series, we will share with you the stories of the people you're reaching, who are the Heart & Soul of Israel.

Quarterly Q&As

As a part of our promise to you, we hold quarterly Q&As where you can learn more about the projects you’re funding and the people you’re touching with the love of Jesus.

Join Now



We believe that one day, we will see Israel transformed by the love of Jesus.

Will you join us?

Will you join us?

Choose your monthly impact amount here

Join the Tribe today

It’s about love, truth, and the Great Commission.

You are giving with purpose, month after month.

$40 can impact one Israeli with the love of Jesus.

Be a part of a community whose generosity echoes into eternity.

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