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Jerusalem Seminary
Jerusalem Seminary
Equipping Believers to Understand Their Faith in and through the Land of the Bible

Jerusalem, Israel
About Jerusalem Seminary

Jerusalem Seminary’s objective is to make biblical education and ministry training in the Land of the Bible essential and transformative.

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Baruch Brian Kvasnica
Founder and Director
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Equipping Believers to Understand Their Faith in and through the Land of the Bible

Jerusalem Seminary provides cutting-edge ministry training that stresses the unity of the body of Messiah using the frameworks of mature Messianic Judaism and vital Christianity. Based in Jerusalem, Israel, the seminary provides much needed context for Bible exploration, especially for reading the New Testament in its first century context.

The Jerusalem Seminary learning-model is community oriented, connecting students to students and students to mentors in order to foster a robust learning experience. They are an example of how the Word of the Lord goes forth from Jerusalem to the Nations.

Equip believers to grow in their Faith in the Land of the Bible!

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Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Seminary

Jerusalem Seminary consists of three schools offering unparalleled learning experiences. Each and every course is designed in a way as to never separate the Story of the Bible from the Land of the Bible. Jerusalem Seminary has been created to fill that gap and provide excellent and unique training related to the Land of the Bible and Hebraic Heritage, with English speakers in mind.

The School of Hebrew, also known as Hebrew for the Nations, provides a rigorous language focused curriculum while the The School of the Bible provides educational opportunities beyond the traditional classroom which integrates the Land of the Bible into all aspects of biblical and theological studies. We look forward to the future launch of The School of Graduate Studies estimated in the Fall of 2023.

About the Leadership

Baruch Brian Kvasnica
Founder and Director

Since the age of 16, Baruch B. Kvasnica has felt called to discipleship, ministry, and sharing the Good News in his community. He has a passion for transformative theological and experiential education in the Land of the Bible; his background and passion served as a catalyst and the Holy Spirit inspired a group of like minded people to help birth Jerusalem Seminary.

Baruch has spent his adult life in Israel dedicated to preparing and equipping not only himself but others for teaching and serving communities of faith. He has taught hundreds of pastors and Bible translators in Israel and co-founded Hebrew for the Nations, JS’ School of Hebrew. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Dissertation Topic: “The Language of Practice: Hebraic Walking and Way Metaphors in First Century Greek Related to Conduct.” He holds a M.A. in Religious Studies Concentration – Early Judaism and Early Christianity (2005) Magna Cum Laude, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a B.A. in History, Religion, 1995 (Magna Cum Laude with Honors; Honors Project: “John Wesley’s Religious Epistemology”), Houghton College, New York.

Baruch has authored a number of articles and presented papers in the area of Biblical Studies and translation and is currently a member of the following: Evangelical Theological Society, Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel, Israel Exploration Society, Society of Biblical Literature and the World Union of Jewish Studies.

He loves bringing people together to allow the Bible to come alive through engagement with the context of the Bible. When not writing, teaching, or spending time with his wonderful wife and seven children, Baruch loves reading and playing basketball.

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