
Take The 1% Challenge


for Israel & the Jewish people

Commit to dedicating 1% of your time each day — only 14 minutes — to praying that God would bring peace to Israel (Psalms 122:6) and establish her once again as a “light to the nations.” (Isaiah 49:6)


1% to ministries in Israel

Give 1% of your income this year to ministry in Israel. Maybe you want to give to Messianic congregations in Israel or help widows & orphans. Whatever your passion, we’ll help you partner with effective ministries.



with ministries reaching Israel

FIRM works to help you establish lasting friendships with effective ministries in Israel, pushing one-step closer to that the great promise in the Bible: Jews and Gentiles working together as One Body in Jesus.

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In his letter to Romans, Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom. 1:16). We all know this verse and we love this verse! But the verse doesn’t stop there. It goes on to say: “to the Jew first…” What does this verse mean for believers? What does it have to do with giving to Israel and the Jewish people?

What Does ‘To the Jew First’ Mean?

There is spiritual power in prioritizing what God says to put first. He chose Israel to receive His law first. His son came to the Jewish people first. The Creator planned for the Gospel to come out of Jerusalem. 

God links the Jewish people with the Church in His Great Commission and to fulfill His Word. The Good News needs to reach both Israel and the nations. It will go “…to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.”

By giving “to the Jew first”, we honor God’s design. We bless the people He chose, and we seek the fulfilment of His promises.

What is the 1% Challenge from Romans 1:16?

“To the Jew first” is not just a principle from the words of Scripture. It is the heart of God radiating forth in our generation.

The 1% Challenge, Hudson Taylor and ‘To the Jew First’

Many people know Hudson Taylor for the profound and lasting impact he had on the spread of the gospel in China. But not many know that on January 1st each year, Taylor wrote a check to a group dedicated to blessing the Jews of Europe. On that check he always wrote four simple words: “…to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16)

Hudson Taylor understood that there is spiritual power in prioritizing what God says to put first. He believed what the apostle Paul had grasped thousands of years before: that the Word of God links the awakening of the Jews to the success in the church’s vision to spread the Good News of the Messiah to the whole world.

Give now to ministries reaching Israel

Join others who have pledged to give at least 1% to bless Israel.

Scott Bledsoe

Scott Bledsoe

Household of Faith Church

“Since visiting Israel, it has always been in our hearts to bless God’s chosen people first, and then reach out to the world. Late this past year we rearranged our giving to reflect this value and we have seen God bless our efforts in return.”
Jaimie Goldenburg

Jaime Goldenberg

The Church at Knoxville

“We believe that those who bless Israel will be blessed.  We also love the local church and believe that it is the hope of the world….We have seen our church steadily grow reaching people in our city and our church income has doubled the national average since we began to bless Israel with 1% of our income.”
Jonathan Wiggins

Jonathan Wiggins

Resurrection Fellowship

“Giving 1% of our total revenue as a First Fruits investment toward Israel related ministries is the proverbial ‘cornerstone’ of our global tours strategy. Blessings overtake blessings for churches who support Israel in this way.  Try it for one year and see for yourself.”
John Siebeling

John Siebeling

The Life Church, Memphis, TN

“When I first heard about ministries committing to giving 1% of their income toward blessing the Jewish people, I knew that it was something that we wanted to be a part of — not only as a church, but also for Leslie and I personally. The blessing and momentum that we’ve experienced as we have sown this seed is undeniable. I have no doubt that it is a result of following Scripture’s mandate that we place a priority on blessing the Jewish people, and we count it an honor to be a part of this strategic initiative.”
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