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At Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM), we believe Israel can make an impact on everyone’s life, and everyone has a role to play in Israel’s story.

FIRM is a non-profit based in the heart of Jerusalem.

  • Our vision: We see a day when every person in Israel is transformed by the love of Yeshua.
  • Our mission: We engage Christians and empower local ministries to see lives transformed in Israel.
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Our Story

From opposite sides of the world, our co-founders Wayne Hilsden and Michael Mistretta realized the same thing. God began weaving together the stories of these two people while writing the story of FIRM.

Wayne had been serving in Jerusalem for decades as a local pastor. God called Wayne and his family to serve in Israel in 1983. Throughout his pastoral work, Wayne was able to come alongside others in the Land who were also serving in ministry.

Years later, God spoke to a young, Great Commission-minded Michael about the importance of Israel to his faith and to the gospel. After that prompting, Michael saved up and took his first trip to Israel. It quickly became clear that God was calling him there for a reason. Once Michael returned home to Canada, he sold his online advertising business, bought a one-way ticket back across the world, and set off to discover God’s plan.

Michael realized something when He was in Israel: many Christians come to Israel to experience the sites of the Holy Land, but never meet local believers or connect with the people. He thought, “How can it be that the people to whom Jesus came and the very place where Jesus walked, could be home to so many who have never known Him?” Something needed to change. He had no idea where to start.

Then, Michael found Wayne. Once they finally met in Jerusalem, they were able to begin. Separately, God gave both Michael and Wayne the name “FIRM” for the work they were about to do.

God brought Wayne and Michael together in Israel with this same vision: uniting and strengthening the local believing body in Israel, through the global Church--until all Israel believes.

Our Vision

Why FIRM Exists

God put a vision on the hearts of Michael and Wayne. FIRM would partner with local ministries to transform lives in Israel with the love of Jesus.

Wayne realized early on that local believers are the best equipped to share the love and message of Yeshua (Jesus) with their neighbors.

Christians give millions of dollars every year to bless Israel but so few of those dollars actually impact Israeli lives with the love of Jesus. Something needed to change.

Your Connection to Israel & the Jewish People

Christians, just like you, are looking for ways to get connected to Israel, but don't know where to start or who they can trust. Meanwhile, local believers have been faithfully serving for decades, but not many people in the global Church know how to get involved.

FIRM bridges this gap by connecting believers around the world with Israel in a gospel-centered way through trusted, local ministries.

Statistically, Israel remains an unreached nation: less than 1% believe in Jesus as their Messiah. Most Christians miss out on an opportunity to connect with Israel in a gospel-centered way.

The Global Church and Her Role

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and then to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16

Your faith was birthed in Israel and through the Jewish people, but many Christians have never discovered the importance of this to their faith and to their role in the next chapter of the story of God.

The good news went around the world, and now it’s time to bring it back to where it all began.

Mobilizing believers to support trusted ministries in Israel.

Our Work

FIRM ensures that financial support for Israel goes to gospel-centered ministries in a transparent and effective way. We promise to show you where your money is going and the lives that you are impacting all along the way.

Gifts are stewarded within a network of 60+ local Israeli ministries, to transform lives with the love of Jesus. Ministries are strengthened and united, and their kingdom work is advanced.

Finally, FIRM educates Christian leaders, churches, and the next generation on God’s heart for Israel, the importance of Israel to their faith, and their part to play in the story of the family of God.

Join us in transforming lives in Israel through the love of Jesus

Because of the incredible generosity of partners like you, FIRM is able to support and invest in over 60 ministries, impacting the lives of thousands of people in the land.

Will you help transform lives in Israel with your gift today?

$40 can impact one life with the love of Jesus.

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