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Lech L’cha
Lech L’cha
Making disciples who make disciples

Petah Tikva, Israel
About Lech L’cha

Lech L’cha is bringing glory to Jesus by encouraging young Israeli believers to live a life of discipleship, to study God’s word daily, to evangelize, and to spend time in prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers.

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Yohanan Stanfield
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Shmuel Salway
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Making disciples who make disciples

The years that Israeli youth serve in the army are life-changing and challenging. Lech L’cha is meeting the need for intentional periods of discipleship, fellowship, and evangelism training as Israeli young people transition out of their military service and seek God for their future.

Lech L’cha runs a 3-month discipleship school, held twice a year, for young Israeli believers, ages 19-35 (primarily after their army service), who have set aside time to intentionally seek the Lord, grow in His Word, and be discipled by other believers. They strongly encourage their graduates to participate in local ministry opportunities in their home congregations, and outreach abroad through the Shaliach program. Lech L’cha holds young adult weekend conferences as well, to equip and encourage young adult believers who are unable to join a three-month long program.

Equip young Israeli believers for life and ministry.

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Petah Tikva, Israel

Lech L’cha

Lech L’cha is a 3 month discipleship program that partners with local Israeli congregations to disciple young Israeli believers through teaching, worship, leadership development, and fellowship with other believers. Their mission is to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. They seek to equip young Israeli believers for life and ministry (whatever vocation they may be called to, whether secular or sacred), while keeping Yeshua (Jesus) at the center of all they do. They aim to help them become fully grounded in the Word of God; to learn to live the life of a disciple of Yeshua; to be equipped for service in their local congregations, according to the giftings God has given them and His calling in their lives, and to grow in leadership skills.

About the Leadership

Yohanan Stanfield

Dr Yochanan Stanfield is the founder of Lech L’cha and an elder / pastor at a local congregation in Modlin, Israel. He was born in England, but grew up in Uganda and later Scotland. Yochanan holds a BD degree in theology from Glasgow University in Scotland, an MA in Jewish History and a PhD in Bible from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He came to Israel in 1982, where he married his wife, Amy, who immigrated from the States. They both serve in the discipleship ministry ‘Lech L’cha’. Yochanan and Amy have three children.

Shmuel Salway

Shmuel Salway is the Director of Lech L’cha. He was born in Tel Aviv to Jewish parents who immigrated to Israel from India. At the age of 15, Shmuel made a decision to give his life to the Lord. After finishing his army service, Shmuel served in his congregation as a Youth Pastor, and later Assistant Pastor. He also co-led the inter-congregational youth group “Neged haZerem.” In 2017, Shmuel felt God calling him to a change in his ministry, and began working with Lech L’cha. Shmuel’s passion is to disciple the next generation of believers in Israel, equipping them to continue in their God-given callings. He and his wife, Suzie, live in Yad haShmona with their four children.

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