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CMJ Israel
CMJ Israel
  • Info
  • Founded 1809
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Outreach
  • Info
  • Founded 1809
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Outreach
Honoring and serving the people of Israel

Jerusalem, Israel
About CMJ Israel

CMJ Israel is committed to representing the love of Jesus in word and deed to Jews and gentiles living in the land and those visiting from abroad.

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Rev. Cn. Daryl Fenton
Executive Director
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Honoring and serving the people of Israel

Israel is at the heart of Christianity, but many people don’t understand the significance of their Jewish roots or their connection to the Land.

CMJ Israel has been active in the Land for nearly 200 years and continues to impact the nation through reconciliation, outreach, evangelism, education, and discipleship. They bring believers of Muslim background from across the Middle East to Jerusalem to worship, pray, and share with Messianic Jews and Christians at Christ Church Jerusalem. CMJ’s four heritage centers and Shoresh Tours teach the Jewish Roots of the Christian faith, the Anglican International School, Jerusalem, provides educational excellence to local and international students, while their Guest Houses offer lodging and peaceful areas for fellowship that facilitate outreach and evangelism.

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Jerusalem, Israel

CMJ Israel

CMJ Israel has been a presence in the Land since the 1830s. Their three-fold purpose is to inform the gentile church of their Jewish roots, serve and honor the Jewish people, and promote the spiritual restoration of the Body in Israel.

About the Leadership

Rev. Cn. Daryl Fenton
Executive Director

The Rev. Canon Daryl Fenton assumed the role of Executive Director for CMJ in Israel in 2019, after having served in the same capacity for CMJ’s USA branch. Cn. Daryl previously served as Canon to Archbishop Robert Duncan of the Anglican Church in North America, overseeing mission relationships. He also served as Canon and Chief Operating Officer for the Anglican Communion Network, a founding organization of the ACNA. He continues to serve the current archbishop, The Most Rev. Foley Beach, as Canon for the Middle East. Daryl is married to Sandy. They have two grown children, as well as three grandchildren. The Fentons reside in Jerusalem, Israel.

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