
Do you need gift ideas for the Christmas season? Are you still shopping for Hanukkah presents? We want to share with you some wonderful Christmas gift ideas that give back to Israel. 

Many of us have a hard time answering the question “what do you want for Christmas”. We feel like we already have everything! So, here’s an idea: why not request a gift that will be a blessing to those that really need it?

There are ministries in Israel impacting lives through the love of Jesus that need your support. You can let your friends and family know that this is how they can bless you – by giving a gift on your behalf to a ministry in Israel.

Check out FIRM Gift Ideas from Israel below!

But first, there is more you can do!

If you want to bless your loved ones in return, you can order gifts for them from Israel! By purchasing souvenirs and more from FIRM Member Ministries, you are investing in the work they are doing. So, keep scrolling for a list of gifts you can order straight from Israel!

dradle with blurred lights in the background

Gift Idea: Support Israel Ministries in a Person’s Name

Gift Ideas that Give Back #1. Join FIRM Overcomers – End Year Campaign.

Local ministries have been helping those around them overcome unimaginable challenges over the past two years. By contributing to the Overcomers campaign, you can be part of impacting 25,000 lives in Israel through the love of Jesus.

Help empower local ministries to transform lives in Israel!

Gift Ideas that Give Back #2-20. Give to one of 19+ Congregations in Israel.

You can choose a specific ministry that you would like to support. Visit the following links, to learn more about Israeli congregations that FIRM works with. 

In Jerusalem: 

Ahavat Yeshua, Amud HaEsh, Good God Church, King of Kings Ministries, Melech Hamlachim, Shemen Sasson.

In central Israel:

Beit Immanuel, House of Generation Renewal Congregation, ICF Tel Aviv, Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, and King of Kings Congregation in Herzliyah.

In northern Israel: 

Beit Asaph in Netanya, Home of Jesus the King Church in Nazareth, Kehilat HaCarmel, Kerem-El Messianic Congregation and Living Israel in Haifa, Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias. 

In southern Israel:

Beit Hallel in Ashdod, Nachalat Yeshua in Beersheva.

Gift Ideas that Give Back #21-29. Sponsor Resources and Opportunities for Believers in Israel.

Find out how ministries in the land are supporting and equipping believers in Israel. Through counseling, education and other resources they are helping them thrive personally and in ministry: 

Anchor of Hope in Jerusalem

Caspari Center in Jerusalem

HaGefen Publishing in Rishon LeTzion

House of Prayer and Exploits in Nazareth

Israel Academy of Ministry in Jerusalem

Kehila News Israel in Kiryat Haim

Light of Zion in Jerusalem

Medallion in Jerusalem

Tikkun Global in Jerusalem

Gift Ideas that Give Back #30-37. Support Outreach Initiatives in Israel. 

We want to reach people who have not encountered the love of Jesus yet. The following ministries put their utmost in sharing the Gospel and discipling the future leaders of Israel: 

The Bible Society in Israel in Jerusalem

Chosen People Ministries in Ramat Gan

CMJ Israel in Jerusalem

Derech Avraham in Jerusalem

Dugit Messianic Outreach Center in Tel Aviv-Jaffa

HaMaayan Ministries in Kfar Saba

Jews for Jesus in Tel Aviv-Jaffa

One for Israel in Netanya

Gift Ideas that Give Back #38-44. Take a Stand for Social Justice in Israel.

In the midst of suffering, we want to bring the hope of Jesus to the hopeless. The following ministries have given their all to care for the widow, the orphan and the outcast:

Be’ad Chaim in Jerusalem

CBN Israel in Jerusalem

Chaim BeShefa in Tel Aviv-Jaffa

HaTikva Project in Ma’ale Adumim

Kite.Pride in Tel Aviv-Jaffa

Reach Initiative International in Jerusalem

Vision for Israel in Modi’in

Gift Ideas that Give Back #45-50. Invest in children, youth and young adults in Israel.

It is never too early to start teaching the future leaders of our world to walk in the Word of God. From preschool all the way down to the military service and beyond… These ministries in Israel set the best foundations for the young generations:

Little Hearts Preschool in Jerusalem

Yuval School of Music and the Arts in Jerusalem

Brazilian Sports and Culture Center in Jerusalem

Streams in the Desert in Omer

Lech L’cha in Petah Tikva

Netivah in Jerusalem

Gift Idea #51+: Order Gifts from Israel

Majority of us do our shopping online these days. So why not order your gifts from trusted ministries that are fulfilling God’s promises in Israel!

We can help you bless your loved ones while simultaneously blessing believers in Israel. Don’t waste any more time and order them today!  

Gift Idea #51: Bible in English and Hebrew

jerusalem bible with a cappuccino

Choose between the standard Hebrew English Bible and the Jerusalem Illustrated Family Bible (pictured) for the most unique gift from the Holy City! In both, the Old and New Testament are printed in two languages side by side.



Gift Idea #52: Contemporary Hebrew Worship

a contemporary worship record

HaMaayan (Wellspring) congregation in Kfar Saba released an album of contemporary praise music in Hebrew. Any purchase from their website will help them care for their community in this challenging year.



Gift Ideas #53-55: Backpacks, Totes and Wallets

kite pride backpack

KitePride employs persons saved from prostitution to make a wide selection of bags out of recycled kites and parachutes. Profits support their efforts to combat human trafficking in Israel. 



Gift Idea #56: Photography Album of Israel

a book of israeli photography

This gorgeous album, published by Chosen People Ministries, will take you on a journey through the whole land of Israel. By buying this book you support the Gospel-centered work of CPM in Israel and worldwide.



Gift Idea #57: Calendar with Hebrew holidays and more

Be’ad Chaim is a pro-life ministry in Israel that cares for the unborn and supports mothers who choose life. Any purchase from Be’ad Chaim store supports their efforts to save lives in Israel. 

bead chaim calendar


Gift Idea #58: Music and Theater Plays from Israel

a cd of music

HaGefen Publishing is one of the few messianic publishing houses in Israel. Which means, HaGefen produces and distributes Biblical materials in Hebrew, Russian and more. For the international audience, we recommend the Music and Arts category of their store.


Gift Idea #59: Books, Books, Books!

stack of books

The store of Tikkun International will be a wonderland for any bookworm or aficionado of Israel. Great selection of books by Israeli and messianic authors, where everyone will find something to catch their interest.


We hope you find this holiday gift list helpful and buy gifts to bring your loved ones joy! 

The items and shops listed above directly support Israel-based FIRM member ministries. No part of the profits benefit FIRM. Some ministries have branches in other countries; thus, your product may arrive from a different postal code than Israel. 

Again, we hope you have a blessed Christmas season, and no matter what you’ve overcome this year, may you have His peace.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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