
Hebrew is the only successful example of a dead language being brought back to daily use.

Today it serves as the official language of the State of Israel, which is nothing short of a miracle.

Modernizing the Hebrew language over the past 100 years has been a tremendous success, partly thanks to intentional refusal to revert to other languages in any official conduct.

However, a bold move like that can be a two-edged sword. Over the decades that followed Israel’s rise to independence in 1948, fluency in other languages in Israel, like English or French, has decreased significantly.

It was a natural and necessary development at the time, nevertheless young Israelis are eager to improve their linguistic skills.

This new generation is especially interested in conversational English, seeing it as a passport to extensive travel, job opportunities and a brighter future in general.

Aware of this trend, the Tel Aviv office of Chosen People Ministries (CPM) has deftly turned this need into an opportunity to connect with the community.

The newly renovated facility in Ramat Gan, a thriving suburb just outside of Tel Aviv proper, has become a hub for linguistic advancement as well as a safe space for young people to unwind and receive counsel.

The Merkaz (Center in Hebrew, which has been adopted to be the hub’s name) offers English classes to Israelis, while also hosting Bible studies, discipleship trainings and special events.

This new initiative of CPM is just one of their many efforts to serve the Israeli society wherever needed.

With distribution centers for the poor and special events for Holocaust survivors in various parts of the country, they are a bright light to many in the times of need.

Additionally, they offer youth camps in the summer and storytelling events for children throughout the year.

In whatever way possible, CPM staff and volunteers serve, disciple and pray for the Jewish people everywhere, and help fellow believers do the same.

Chosen People Ministries has been proclaiming the Good News to Jewish people since its establishment in 1894. Today, it serves in eighteen countries across the globe, with Israel naturally being the most unique setting for their work.

Visitors who have a heart for Israel can join CPM in the land and help with story time for children, special events for survivors, and more.

Learn More: chosenpeople.com

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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