
From inception, Glowbal Act has been a catalyst for change. They provide support and create jobs in Tel Aviv for people saved from human trafficking and who need a second chance in life.

Is Human Trafficking a Problem in Tel Aviv?

Human trafficking and modern day slavery are sadly prevalent all over the world, and that includes Israel, with Tel Aviv in particular. Vulnerable individuals can fall into a trap of empty promises and hopelessness. Or they became prey of dangerous people whom they thought they could trust.

There are more slaves today than at any other time in history. Every year, some 2.5 million people become victims of human trafficking.

In Israel today over 12,000 men, women and children are involved in the sex industry. A recent poll indicated that 76% would like to leave, but feel trapped with no option of escape.

At this point you may wonder, but what does it have to do with upcycling kites? Keep reading, because the answer is heartwarming and will give you a glimpse of hope.

What Can Become of a Broken Kite?

Have you ever wondered what happens to broken kites, discarded sails and malfunctioning parachutes? After all, these are strong and valuable materials, however when defective, they become completely useless. Or do they?

For Glowbal Act, the materials are not only treasured for being a useful textile, but they are a tool to serve and defend the abused. The company repurposes these durable fabrics headed for trash both locally & globally, to upcycle them and create, as they say, second wind for kites and people.

The Tel Aviv-based nonprofit makes a difference by repurposing high-quality sporting materials such as kite-surfing kites, yacht sails, and parachutes. These durable textiles are turned into trendy, lightweight, and beautiful products like wallets, duffle bags and backpacks.

But what is more, through the sale of each bag, Glowbal Act provides and creates job opportunities for those in need.

Safe and Sustainable Side of Tel Aviv

Needless to say, the work of Glowbal Act in Israel is a creative way of aiding the environment. But the real purpose of the upcycling project is to personally engage in the global battle against human trafficking, in Tel Aviv and beyond.

Glowbal Act provides jobs to women and men exiting the trafficking world and the modern-day slavery. It’s a rare opportunity of safe employment that boosts them back into the workforce. Built on excellence, authenticity and transparency, they provide their employees with the necessary skills to go forward.

This work environment was built to be life-changing. The staff receive assistance to get back on their feet.

Mentors help them regain independence. They get support in small and big things. Whether they need health insurance, an apartment, or even vocational training, Glowbal Act is there to help end the result of human trafficking in Tel Aviv.

Glowbal Act and the Government of Israel

The co-founders of Glowbal Act collaborate with the government and other non-governmental organizations to combat modern day slavery locally and on a global scale.

Locally, their mission is to provide and offer paid jobs and rehabilitation employment. They are careful with how they refer to their employees, treating each person with dignity and respect.

In a new joint venture with the Israeli government, Glowbal Act has developed a 24-month training program that assists individuals to leave the sex industry. They launched the venture in 2021 to end exploitation in Israel.

Course participants, both female and male survivors are connected with new employers in the open labour market and are accompanied by our staff in their new job.

The education program, created in partnership with the government of Israel, helps individuals exit the sex industry. To that end, the course participants receive full holistic support in managing their finances, trauma and any other issues, including health issues.

Meet Mika

Mika was trapped in forced prostitution for 40 years. But through a friend she learned of Glowbal Act and sought help. She was one of the women who enrolled in their unique program and started turning her life around.

The course finally gave Mika a structured daily routine, but she struggled to adjust to a new way of life. She still lived in her old neighborhood and her former clients continued to harass her.

Thankfully, the team recognized it and brought about solutions to support to her.

During the training program the teachers pointed out Mika’s language and communication skills as one of her greatest gifts. She received computer training, music therapy and more. Today, at the age of 57, she found her first job! What is more, she is about to move into a social housing co-operative.

Out of Human Trafficking to Living Hope in Tel Aviv

There are currently 20 people enrolled in the program co-created by Glowbal Act. FIRM is privileged to sponsor some of these individuals. Thanks to the worldwide support, many are already in the process of changing their lives around.

The employees and training course participants including their children are sustainably supported by GlowbalAct’s sponsorship funds. These are then matched and doubled by the Israeli government. So, GlowbalAct is responsible for 51% of the cost.

You can help GlowbalAct reach their goal to integrate 100 survivors of the sex industry into Israel’s labour workforce by 2024.

Join the Movement!

Glowbal Act follows a business model that is innovative and committed to excellence, setting up a career launch for their staff who generally have very little job experience to put on their resumes.

Glowbal Act designs their own products and keeps expanding their assortment. They ship worldwide, giving everyone a chance to do good by taking the first step and shopping online.

Think ripple effect! Each product is designed with a story behind it – where it came from, who made it and the impact it will continuously create.

To show continuous support to organizations like Glowbal Act, you can partner with FIRM and join The Tribe. The Tribe is a passionate and faithful community of monthly donors committed to transforming lives in Israel with the love of Jesus.

You can play your part in this great fight for freedom by joining The Tribe today!

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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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