
The Hebrew-speaking congregation in Jerusalem called Melech HaMlachim is a great testimony to the faithfulness of God. Because He never turned away from His beloved city nor His people. 

Jerusalem and the Jewish people have always been significant to the Lord. The congregation called Melech HaMlachim (Hebrew for King of Kings) strives to be an expression of that as they serve the local body.

flower pots on the side of the road

Melech HaMlachim in Jerusalem

Melech HaMlachim is a spiritual home for Messianic believers in the capital of Israel who meet weekly to begin Shabbat (the Sabbath) together. Pastor Oded Shoshani and his wife, Sandy are spiritual parents to many, discipling them to equip the next generation. 

Together with a team of elders they model servant leadership and invest in local families to share the gospel with the community, to show the love of God. Meanwhile, Sandy is also the director of Be’ad Chaim, a pro-life ministry that exists to save the lives of the unborn in Israel.

The congregation meets in the center of Jerusalem, while still investing in home groups. With the Word of God at the center of everything they do, it has become a home for many local ministry leaders, musicians, entrepreneurs, social workers, and more.

Connecting with History

The Melech HaMlachim fellowship in Jerusalem started much like many of the ones described in the Book of Acts. Meaning, it traces its humble beginnings to a Hebrew-speaking homegroup in the heart of the city. 

It grew under the auspices of the King of Kings Ministries, cultivating an atmosphere of love. Almost forty years ago, Pastor Oded committed his life to God and studied the Scriptures under his mentor, Wayne Hilsden. 

When Oded became a pastor, he felt called to youth ministry. He wanted to help young people know Jesus and mature in their faith. But as he grew in his calling, so did the congregation.Today, Melech HaMlachim is filled with babies, youth, adults, and the elderly as well.

The congregation consists of entire families, who raise strong leaders, worshippers and intercessors. And this emphasis on families is evident at each and every communal gathering. 

While new believers join on a regular basis, the growth of the congregation is accelerated by the amount of children born into the community each year. Over 50% of those who attend Melech HaMlachim are under 21. 

And just like for the first followers of Jesus, Jerusalem is central to their faith and ministry.

walking the streets of Jerusalem

Like the First Disciples 

Although most of Yeshua’s disciples came from the Galilee, many of the significant events they were a part of took place in Jerusalem. And, at the most crucial time in history – when Jesus was arrested, crucified, and rose from the dead – they were in the Holy City. 

After Jesus ascended to Heaven weeks later, they remained in Jerusalem. The disciples waited for the fulfillment of their Savior’s words that He will send them help (Acts 1:4-5). They were confident that God would fulfill His promises.

In result of the disciples’ devotion and determination, the Gospel has since spread around the globe. It went from Jerusalem to the far ends of the world. In the meantime though, the land was stricken with turmoil which lasted for centuries. 

And yet, in an exciting turn of events, the State of Israel was reborn in 1948, and Jerusalem was liberated in 1967.

An influx of residents meant an increase of spiritual hunger. Consequently, the Good News of Salvation came back to the Holy City with even greater impact.

The Ministry of Melech HaMlachim

Jerusalem has since been welcoming the seekers with open arms – no matter their background or past experiences. The Golden City is once again robust and diverse as it was when Jesus walked the earth. Or more so! 

Thus, it was to be expected that the followers of Jesus would once again worship the King of Kings in His city. And, that they would share the good news with its residents.

Thus, Melech HaMlachim is fervently raising and equipping believers in Jerusalem to serve the Kingdom of God in every way possible.

The congregation is truly a spiritual family and its members embrace God’s calling on the community to reflect the Messiah’s love to the people of Israel. This vision mobilizes Melech HaMlachim to build up a spiritual house that represents the Messiah well:

“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Messiah Yeshua.” (1 Peter 2:5)

View of Jerusalem old city, Temple Mount and the ancient Jewish cemetery from the Mount of Olives, Israel

Visit Jerusalem and Melech HaMlachim!

Melech HaMlachim provides leadership training, counseling, and discipleship opportunities every week, and worship together every Shabbat. 

“It’s not a place to come and seek peace and quiet, since there is a lot of noise, but everyone is welcome!” Pastor Oded Shoshani said with a smile. Together with his wife Sandy, they love welcoming new believers into their congregation.  

“Having a community to support and strengthen Israeli believers as they claim their inheritance in Jesus is important for each individual and family,” Shoshani added. “But it is also vital to the growth and impact of the Kingdom in the Land.”

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