
Why Israel?

Why Israel: What Every Believer Should Discover

Although the gospel went around the world from Jerusalem, today less than 1% of Israel’s 9-million people are believers in Jesus. How could it be that the place where Jesus walked is home to so many people who have never known Him?

FIRM is on a mission to engage Christians and empower local ministries to see lives transformed in Israel. We serve a God who is alive, and people—Jewish and Arab alike—are coming to know Jesus as their Messiah in Israel today.

“I knew Israel would be good, but I didn’t know it would change my life. I didn’t know it would change the way I approach the scriptures and how I teach about who God is – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
– Chad Veach, Zoe Church


The Importance of Israel for Christians

Why is Israel so important to the rest of the world?

For believers, Israel’s story is our story. Read “The Kingdom of God and Israel’s Biblical History” here.



Israel and the Nations Today

God asks you as nations of the world to provoke Israel to jealousy. Why? Because you serve under the kingship of God. You’ve inherited the new covenant that was promised to Israel. 

You’ve been grafted in. Abraham is your forefather. You were brought into all the promises. You were adopted into the family. To see you loving the one, true God makes Israel jealous.

Our Calling

God longs for the day when every tribe, every people, every tongue, every language serves under the kingship of Jesus. You can take a first step in discovering that calling.

Transforming Lives in Israel Today

Are you looking for a way to impact Israel? You can help transform lives in Israel with the love of Yeshua (Jesus).

The Tribe is a passionate and faithful group of monthly donors on a mission to transform lives in Israel through the love of Jesus. Join the Tribe today: firmisrael.org/thetribe

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