
Supporting Ministries in Israel

There are tons of incredible Christian and Messianic ministries in Israel that are doing God’s work. If you are looking to help ministries in Israel, you’ve just hit the jackpot. This is an incredible way to bless Israel’s believing body.

From congregations to youth ministries to serving widows and orphans, there’s a whole range of Kingdom work that we network and resource through FIRM.

Also, while the majority of organizations are run by Jewish believers in Jesus, there are active ministry heads from within the Arab believing world, too, and beyond. Many backgrounds and ethnicities are represented within the 9-million person country of Israel. It is a true picture of the gospel at work.

FIRM – Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries

At FIRM, we want to transform lives in Israel through Gospel-centered ministries. Our vision is to see the day when “All Israel believes” (Romans 11:26). Many believers want to support ministries in Israel, but they don’t know where to start or who to trust. It can be hard to build connections in the Holy Land from a distance.

That is why FIRM is here for you! Let us connect you to effective ministries in Israel transforming lives in Israel through the love of Jesus. We give one, simple way to support many Gospel-centered organizations and congregations here in the Land.

Transform lives in Israel through Gospel-centered ministries.

FIRM is your trusted partner for Gospel impact in Israel. 

For the Kingdom

Every day, ministries in Israel are doing great work for the Kingdom of God. They would love to hear that believers like you, across the world, have their back. FIRM serves these organizations through resourcing, strengthening and connecting local ministries.

FIRM serves as a bridge to the global Church. We know how necessary their work is, but it can be difficult to get the word out. If we are one body, we need to truly work together!

So, here are some very foundational steps you can take to bless the people of Israel today:

  1. Learn.
  2. Pray.
  3. Give.
  4. Share.
  5. Connect.

Read on to see how you can take each one of these steps more effectively!

kite pride bags and sewing machine


Take a look at the list of ministries in Israel we work with as FIRM. You can browse by category or by name and get acquainted with who the organizations are and what they do. These organizations represent six primary areas of work.

The condense profiles on our website will give you a good overview of how much is happening in the land of Israel on a daily basis: 

FIRM Members


We believe that the best and most effective way to address any issue or support any cause is to bring it right before God’s throne.

Join us in prayer for the many ministries in Israel that are serving the name of Jesus day in and day out, especially this year. We prepared some helpful guidelines how to pray for Israel. Get it FOR FREE in your Inbox by signing up here: 

Pray for Israel PDF


The shutdowns and ongoing restrictions in Israel have significantly crippled the country’s economy. Unsurprisingly, one of the first ones to suffer are the organizations that are dependent on donations and public support.

Even the smallest gift makes a huge difference today. You can either choose a specific ministry in Israel to support from the list linked above or you can support many organizations at once through The Tribe, our faithful, monthly giving community.


It is our greatest joy to share news from Israel with you! Follow our blog to read stories about the active ministries in Israel. Look us up on social media to get the latest and most exciting updates on how God is moving in Israel!

You can then easily share these stories with your friends, to bring awareness and encourage more support! 

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While all the steps above can be accomplished individually, here is an idea that requires cooperation in the best way! If you are looking for a long-term relationship with a ministry in Israel, we can facilitate that!

We want to help you support them, pray for them, love them and strengthen what they do! FIRM encourages churches and ministries from around the world to develop strategic partnerships with ministries in Israel. 

women with young children

We are Based in Israel for You!

Based in Jerusalem, FIRM invites the global body of believers to connect with believers in the land of Israel. We amplify the work of over 60 local ministries and organizations in the land for a stronger and healthier Body of Messiah. We serve them by providing practical tools, finances, and resources, while creating strategic ways to work together.

Your support helps to engage the Church with Israel by using relevant, Gospel-centered content and giving a digital platform for Israel ministries to cultivate new supporters.

100% of what you donate to the FIRM Foundation will fund ministry projects reaching Israel.

Will you join us in prayer and ask the Lord how you can support ministries in Israel?

God’s Perfect Plan – From Israel to You: Free PDF Download

The Bible is full of God’s promises that can encourage our faith. Together, these promises make up one master plan of God.

You’re about to discover God’s perfect plan through the lens of 25+ references throughout Scripture.

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FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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