What is Fulfillment Theology? The Fulfillment Theology is the belief that the Church has replaced ethnic Israel in terms of God’s calling and His promises. Also called Replacement Theology, it is the belief that the Church is the “new Israel”....
Showing articles tagged replacement theology
The term "replacement theology' isn’t found in most theological textbooks, but the idea that “the Church is Israel” is a foundational stone in what is commonly known as “covenant theology.
How to Talk about Israel In today’s world, Israel is a controversial topic, even in relation to the Bible. It is sometimes hard to keep our conversations free of politics but filled with faith. We believe God when He said...
Typical Replacement Theology Teachings Replacement theology isn’t new. We can trace it as far back as the 3rd century. How did it come into the Church and come to dominate so much of it? A widely distributed Christian magazine published...
Christians for Israel Many Christians today, especially in the younger generation, have serious questions about why they should stand with the people of Israel. What connection, they wonder, does the modern State of Israel have with ancient biblical prophecy? After...