Introduction to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem Today, the Temple Mount is a 35-acre platform built by King Herod on Mount Moriah in the heart of Jerusalem. This is where both the first and second temples once stood. It is...
Showing articles tagged messianic prophecy
Messianic prophecy is the foretelling in Hebrew Scripture about a messiah who will come. The messiah is a savior, coming from the line of David through the Jewish people, to the whole world.
What is Resurrection in the Bible? When we think about resurrection in the Bible, we are talking about the reversal of death back to life. However, it is more than a physical change of state. It is about God showing...
What is the Law in the Bible? Before diving too deep into a weighty subject, it may be helpful to clarify a few terms that can be confusing if used interchangeably. So, what is the law in the Bible? ...
As a follower of Jesus who is interested in Israel (after all, you made it as far as this site) you may have come across the term ‘Messianic Judaism’. Once shrouded in mystery, today this term – and movement –...
What does 'Messiah' mean? When it comes to viewing the messiah, Christians and Jews have different perspectives on His role in salvation and kingship. So, who is the messiah? Jewish Concept The Jewish Scriptures prophesy the messiah almost from the...
What do Jesus and Passover Have in Common? Jesus (Yeshua) was a Jewish man, raised in a Jewish family. Thus, it is no surprise that He kept each one of the appointed times (moedim) as prescribed in the Torah –...
Is Hanukkah Prophetic? Before I believed Yeshua (Jesus) to be the Messiah, I didn't understand that anything about Hanukkah could be prophetic. Every winter when I was a child, as Christmas trees and manger scenes filled the world around me,...
Was Jesus Jewish? Did you know that Jesus did not come into the world to establish a new religion called Christianity? Rather, He came to fulfill what Moses and the prophets wrote. He had a thoroughly Jewish calling. After all,...
How many prophecies did Jesus fulfill? The Bible is full of Messianic prophecies. Mathematician Peter Stoner counted the probability of one person fulfilling even a small number of them. And he concluded, the chance of a single man fulfilling "just"...