
Being Pro-life in Israel

The pro-life movement in Israel is making a difference in the lives of families across the country. We pray for the day when no one asks for an abortion in this land ever again. But until that day arrives, we celebrate every life that was saved. 

We’ve shared with you before that the issue of abortion in Israel is serious. Access to abortion is much too easy, and there is not enough counseling offered to women in distress who don’t know what to do. 

Be’ad Chaim, a nonprofit that assists pregnant women in need, is standing in that gap. While they help expecting mothers choose life, your support is invaluable in making the first year of the baby’s life easier and happier. 

Would you like to meet the babies that Christians like you helped to save in Israel? The following stories will warm your heart.

Meet Baby Omri Who Almost Wasn’t Born

When Ronit got pregnant with Omri, she was a 23-year-old single mom of a toddler.

The thought of welcoming another child into the world, by herself, overwhelmed her. To make the matters worse, the father of the baby was not interested in supporting her in any way. He wanted her to have an abortion. 

When Ronit’s friend told her about Be’ad Chaim, she already had a booked appointment with an abortion clinic. Nevertheless, she decided to give the organization a call. 

Ronit was able to meet with one of the counselors right in time, and they gave her all the love and support she needed. Suddenly, since she knew she was not going to be alone, Ronit chose life for her baby and canceled the scheduled abortion.

This meaningful encounter helped this young woman rethink her decision regarding the future of her baby. A precious life was saved thanks to a pro-life organization in Israel. 

mother and child in Israel

How Are We Helping?

Thanks to the generous support of Christians, Ronit was able to become part of the Operation Moses Project. Through FIRM Foundation, you can support the pro-life movement in Israel along with other humanitarian organizations just like Be’ad Chaim. 

The vision of Operation Moses is to care for both the mother and the child in the first year of the baby’s life. This meant that Rasha received necessary furniture, like a changing table and more, as well as monthly vouchers to purchase essential items for baby care.

Last November, Ronit gave birth to a healthy baby boy by c-section. She named him Omri, which means “sheaf of grain” (or, my sheaf of grain) in Hebrew. 

After the birth, Ronit took a while to recover and sadly suffered from depression. Thankfully however, she was able to receive the help she needed. She is now taking medication and is determined to do her best for her children.

Saving More than a Baby

Alma, 27, and her husband had one child when she learned she was pregnant. It was unplanned – in fact, Amit and her husband were going through a very difficult time. They were even talking about divorce, so Alma’s first thought was to have an abortion.

Thankfully, as she was searching the internet for options, she found Be’ad Chaim. God heard the cry of the unborn and led this precious family to safety. Professional counselors helped Alma choose to keep her pregnancy, because she knew she wouldn’t be alone.

Last October, Alma gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Yaheli, just like the courageous woman in the Bible (Jael in English – Judges 4:21). 

Although during her pregnancy Alma was in the process of divorce, after Yaheli was born the couple’s situation changed dramatically. Receiving support in the baby’s first year alleviated a lot of the stress in their lives, so the second-time parents were able to work things out.

Today, Alma, her husband and their two children live together again. 

children in Israel

Every Life, at Every Stage, Matters

A couple in their 40s in southern Israel already had 11 children when they found out they were expecting their next child. Hadas (the mother) did not know how they would cope, as their financial situation was already quite difficult.

Hadas was familiar with Be’ad Chaim because the organization has already helped her in the past. However, Hadas was not sure if she should be asking for help again. Is she not too old? Don’t they already have enough children?

But every life matters to God, thus, it matters to us as well! The counselors at Be’ad Chaim were ready and willing to offer all the love and care they would give to any mother-to-be!

Hadas also became a part of Operation Moses and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Hadas and her husband decided to name the baby Saaid, after the husband’s brother who died during Hadas’ pregnancy.

Support the Pro-life Movement in Israel

All three of the mothers mentioned above have expressed great thanks to Be’ad Chaim and all the sponsors who helped save their babies. They would not have coped on their own. But today, they cannot imagine their lives without the latest additions to their families. 

Followers of Jesus in Israel are dedicated to protecting both the struggling mothers and their unborn children. They are on a quest to stop abortion in Israel, so they support organizations like Be’ad Chaim. As should you! 

Many Israeli mothers-to-be choose life thanks to the support of Be’ad Chaim and their counselors. It is thanks to pro-life organizations like this one that the women don’t feel alone or overwhelmed. 

Receiving support in the face of an unplanned pregnancy and personal care for an entire year post-birth makes a world of difference for the mother. But more importantly, it literally saves the life of the child.

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You’re about to discover God’s perfect plan through the lens of 25+ references throughout Scripture.

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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