
Ty Montgomery and Israel

New England Patriot, Ty Montgomery, teaming up with Atlanta-based Connections Homes to share Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM) Jerusalem Encounter with foster care alumni from five states

NASCAR stars Chase Elliott and Bubba Wallace contribute to the cause

FOXBOROUGH, MASS. (May 18, 2023) –  New England Patriots wide receiver Ty Montgomery will send 11 former foster kids on a 10-day Jerusalem Encounter group tour of Israel this summer. He hopes it will be a transformative experience for all who attend. The trip comes at a time in their lives when the foster care alumni are learning to live on their own. They are about to transition out of the state’s foster care network.

“I want to send these people to Israel because God has asked me to, and I believe this experience will transform their lives,” said Montgomery. He went on a tour of the Holy Land himself in the spring of 2022 and described his experience as nothing short of transformative.

Ty Montgomery and Foster Care

Connections Homes, a 501(c)3 based in Atlanta, Ga., worked with Montgomery to select 11 young adults, ages 18 to 24, from around the nation. They come from states like Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas.

Each one has recently aged out of foster care, a community that Montgomery holds dear. He watched his mother, Lisa Montgomery, foster many youth during his own childhood in Dallas, Texas.

“Those who have been in the foster care system will always hold a special place in my heart,” Montgomery explained. “I know the love they need. I saw it firsthand as my mom raised 17 foster youth alongside me. What better way to impact the lives of those exiting foster care than providing this experience of a lifetime.”

Jerusalem Encounter and My 10 Percent

The Jerusalem Encounter tour begins June 6, and is hosted by Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM). It will take the My 10 Percent group on a life-changing, 10-day journey through the Holy Land. Those on the tour will experience Israel and the word of the Bible, as they enrich their relationship with Jesus while discovering the roots of their faith.

“Most of these young adults have never been on a plane — let alone travel. So I hope this brings the Bible to life for them,” said Pam Parish, founder and CEO of Connections Homes. “Shared experiences like this are often quite powerful and quite healing, especially as they see where Jesus walked.”

Ty Montgomery and Chase Elliot

Montgomery’s own 501(c)3, My 10 Percent, is currently raising funds to help cover all expenses for the trip, which he hopes to make an annual event.

Professional race car drivers, Chase Elliott, the 2020 NASCAR Cup Series Champion, and Bubba Wallace, have made substantial donations to Montgomery’s efforts through their foundations. The Chase Elliott Foundation and the Bubba Wallace Live to Be Different Foundation support tour members from their respective home states of Georgia and North Carolina.

Those interested in supporting Montgomery’s effort can visit www.connectionshomes.org/my10percent/ to learn more and donate.

About My 10 Percent

Established in 2018 by NFL veteran Ty Montgomery, My 10 Percent is a 501(c)3 charity that supports and empowers the forgotten youth in society. My 10 Percent gives them hope for a future that they desire and faith that what they desire is possible.

The charity has provided support for efforts surrounding the care of foster youth and adoption; efforts to prevent human trafficking; efforts to provide care for children of homeless families; and education around sickle cell disease and bone marrow transplants.

About Connections Homes

Connections Homes, based in Atlanta, Ga., is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting young adults, ages 18–24, who’ve aged out of foster care, to Mentoring Families who commit to being a lifelong safe support system.

At any given time, over 85,000 young men and women are living life unconnected to family or a caring, stable adult. Many live on streets, in shelters and in dangerous situations because they have nowhere to turn.

Connections Homes works to change outcomes for this forgotten population by connecting them with families. These families then walk with them in life and guide them to a successful future.

About Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries

FIRM, Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries, is a 501(c)3 ministry based in the heart of Jerusalem. We believe Israel can make an impact on everyone’s life, and everyone has a role to play in Israel’s story.

FIRM’s vision is to see a day when every person in Israel is transformed by the love of Yeshua (Jesus). Our mission is to engage Christians and empower local ministries to see lives transformed in Israel. Form more information, visit FIRM’s about page.

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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