
Amid what is happening in Israel and Gaza, have you asked yourself whether you should talk about it to your kids? While your little ones may be still quite oblivious, your teens or even preteens have probably seen glimpses of the news on social media or on tv. 

But what about your 9-year-old, or even 5-year-old? They often notice much more than we would like them to. So as parents, we should be the first ones to answer their questions and engage them in a healthy and safe way. 

Share with Your Children What’s Important

“But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:16-17)

God loves children. He invites them to come to Him and talk with Him. God is moved by the prayers of these precious little hearts praying to Him. Therefore, it is so important, now more than ever, to pray for Israel with your kids. 

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5)

Paul is talking to Timothy in this verse about the influence that his grandmother and mother had on his relationship with God. Later in 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul says, “and how from infancy you have know the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”

As parents and grandparents, we have an incredible honor to teach our children and grandchildren about God. And one very important topic to teach them, that is very much on God’s heart, is Israel. Now is the time to not only teach them about Israel, but to also teach them how to PRAY for Israel.

Israeli child at the Western Wall

Pray for Israel with your Kids

What’s great about being a kid or child-like is that you get to make things exciting! So, let’s go on a journey through each letter of the word I-S-R-A-E-L to discover some creative ways how kids and the child-at-heart can pray for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

IInvitation & Intercession

Start by talking with your kids about Israel. Show them where the nation of Israel is on a map. Explain in simple terms the Biblical history of the Jewish people, and God’s love for them. 

And if you haven’t done so already, tell your kids about the power of prayer. Mention how Jesus intercedes on our behalf and invites us to intercede for others. Take time to inform your kids that Israel is at war right now, and the people of Israel need our prayers! 

I encourage you to start praying out loud whatever God puts on your heart regarding Israel and the Jewish people. Your kids can learn so much just by observing the way you pray and intercede over Israel and the Jewish people. 

Don’t be afraid to let your kids see you cry or go into deep intercession, because this can actually usher your child into a deeper place with God. Through you, they will see God’s heart for this nation, His grief and sorrow for them, especially in this time. Invite them to pray with you.

Another practical way to teach your kids about praying for Israel is by including them in prayer meetings for Israel, whether online or in person. Read these passages for inspiration: Isaiah 62:6-7; Romans 8:34.

S Sing Songs

Singing and worshipping the Lord is such a powerful part of prayer! The Bible tells us over and over to sing to the Lord and praise Him! So, turn some music on and start worshipping King Yeshua with your kids! Worshipping God helps everyone fix their eyes and hearts on Him. 

An Israeli mother living here in Israel with her three kids shared with me, “We are playing a lot of peaceful worship music in our home right now. We talk to our kids about how amazing and beautiful heaven will be after all the wars and pains on earth end.” 

Singing can also help wash some of the fear and anxiousness away, so I highly recommend this! Especially for the families living here in Israel during this crisis.

Are you familiar with Exodus chapter 15? Sing it over the nation of Israel. These verses are a song that Moses and the Israelites sang right after God parted the waters and saved the Israelites from the hands of the Egyptians.

Psalm 96:1-2

RRead the Bible

It is so important to see with our own eyes what God’s Word says about Israel and the Jewish people. Taking the time to read the Bible and God’s promises to the Jewish people will help your kids know God’s truths for themselves. 

The Word of God is a sword with which we can fight the enemy. Reading the Word of God together with your kids and talking about Israel and the current war the Jewish people are enduring will help them connect more with God’s heart.

Another Israeli mother that lives in Jerusalem shared, “In our regular Bible time this past Tuesday, we were on schedule to read Acts 12. And it just happened to be the story about Peter being released from prison by the angels because of the prayers of the believers. We talked about how we could pray and ask the Lord to do miracles for the hostages in Gaza, and how we might one day hear their miraculous stories later.”

An Israeli believer who has three kids and her husband has been serving in the Israeli army during this war, explained, “For us, what’s been really helpful is the David and Goliath story. And scriptures like Romans 8:31, ‘…If God is for us than who can be against us?’”

Here are a few Bible verses that you and your kids can declare together over the nation of Israel and the Jewish people: Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Psalm 25:22; 2 Chronicles 32:7-8.
You can also read Psalm 122, Isaiah 40:1-2, Psalm 105: 8-11. I encourage you to ask the Lord what Bible verses He wants you to pray and declare with your kids over Israel.


It’s time to get those crayons, markers, and colored pencils ready to make some creative art with the Lord! You may even want to simply sit down with a blank piece of paper and ask God: what do you want me to draw? This can be incredibly powerful, because God can speak!

Two months ago, I sat down with my 3-year-old daughter to draw together. We asked the Holy Spirit to speak to us and tell us what to draw. I felt God tell me to draw a big wave. When I finished coloring the wave, I heard the words, “See it coming.” 

I look at this simple drawing often, because I am in awe that God was warning us about this war. But what is amazing about it is that God was also saying that we can see things coming. He is a good Father who wants His kids to be prepared and ready.

A creative way to pray with your kids for Israel can be a letter and word game. Have your child write down the letters I-S-R-A-E-L horizontally on a piece of paper. Then encourage them to think of as many words about Israel that start with each letter – to name things they could pray for. Here is an example: 

I – Iron Dome, Israel Defense Forces (IDF)…
S – Salvation, soldiers …
R- Restoration, repentance …
A – Amor of God, Angels …
E – Eternal life, evil …
L- Life, love …

After you and your kids finish your lists, pray about each of the words you wrote down. And remember that this can bring about some great conversations, too.

Coloring Hope

Another great way to use art to help your kids connect with God’s heart for Israel is through a project called Coloring Hope (make sure to check out the website for more details). You can download designs, color them with your children, and then send a photo of your artwork to FIRM. 

FIRM volunteers will print out your beautiful art to display in the housing of the hundreds of displaced families we are serving. Whether you’re a child or just a kid at heart, you can join “Coloring Hope” and bring the message of hope from God’s heart to the hurting nation of Israel.

Coloring Hope. Giving hope to children in Israel

E Express Your Prayers

It is important to allow your child to express themselves before the Lord in ways that feel natural to them. Maybe your child like to dance. As you dance together with your kids, you can express motions that accompany your prayers.

Or if you child like to act, then you can select some Bible stories for you and your children to reenact together. My husband loves to do this with our girls. He will pretend to be “Goliath” and my 3-year-old daughter will pretend to be David. She will stand right in front of “Goliath” and say, “I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel!” (From I Samuel 17:45)

My husband and daughters have reenacted several Bible stories, and even filmed them and made little “movies.” This has been powerful for my daughter, as well as for us as parents. Because we are expressing these truths from the Bible with our bodies, imagination, creativity, and declaring these truths with our mouths. All the while, having so much fun.

Meet Them at Their Level

Another example came from a mom in the United States who shared with her kids what was happening in Israel and the war with Hamas:“One activity we did that was kind of funny but meaningful to me. I had the kids sweep with a broom. They missed a few things on the floor, and I told them, ‘Kids, we don’t want any Hamas left! We need to sweep them all up!’ They went after it with all their hearts, because they understood the importance of not allowing wickedness to rule.”

A befriended momma in Israel, whose husband is in the reserves, told me how they are overcoming fear that often overwhelms people, especially kids, here in Israel. She shared:“We asked God for dreams about heaven instead of nightmares. We are talking about the perfect fruit trees in heaven that we can pick from, the amazing waterfalls, and lots of beautiful and fun things for the kids that will be in heaven.”

L Listen & Lend a Hand

Take time to teach your kids how to listen to the Lord to hear what’s on His heart. Ask God what He wants you do and encourage your children to ask God what He wants them to do. Discuss it together as a family, and then make a plan of action on how you can serve this nation together.

One example is to look up organizations that are already helping Israelis and soldiers, and choose one to make a donation to as a family. FIRM has an Emergency Crisis Response Fund helping both Jews and Arabs who have been affected by the hostilities. You can send a gift with your kids today: firmisrael.org/emergency

Another great idea is to encourage your kids to invite their friends over for a prayer meeting for Israel. (And if you live in Israel, you can visit your neighbors and ask them how you can help them or pray for them during the war.) You can make it educational, interactive and very meaningful for entire families. 

kids running in Israel

Let Your Kids Lead in Prayer for Israel

As parents, grandparents or guardians, we need to also listen to what our children have to say. God is speaking mightily through these little pure hearts, so it is our responsibility to listen to what God may be saying to them and through them.

In May 2023 during the Isaiah 62 prayer and fasting for Israel, God spoke through my 3-year-old daughter. We were in the Summit Prayer Tower in Jerusalem, worshipping Jesus together as a family. 

All of a sudden, my daughter put her little hands on my face and said, “Do not be afraid. I am with you. The lion is coming.” I asked her, “Is it a good lion or bad lion?” And she said, “A bad one. But do not be afraid.” 

I was in awe, because I knew God just spoke to me through my precious little girl. It was God’s kindness to use my daughter to prepare my heart for what was to come. And now I see, this war is the bad lion that has come… but the good lion, Lion of Judah, is with us and He is stronger!

Our Heavenly Father says to Israel, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

I pray that you all are inspired to pray together with your children for the nation of Israel for such a time as this. Your prayers and your children’s prayers are impacting the heart of God for this nation in ways we can’t even imagine!

How to Pray for Israel: Free PDF Download

Today, more than ever, Israel needs your prayers. Learn three simple and effective ways to stand with Israel in prayer, today.

We’ve put this guide together for you so that you are even better equipped to bless Israel as you pray for Her.


Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Kayla Muchnik enjoys communicating who God is through writing, dancing, and discipleship. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband and two daughters. In 2021, Kayla and her husband started Muchnik Media, a freelance media business focused on writing and videography. In April 2023, she published a book called, “How’s Your Heart? – Bible Study and Adventure Workbook.” On a normal day, you can find Kayla spending time with God with a pen in one hand and a cappuccino in the other, dancing around the house with her two daughters, or drinking a tea at night with her husband and talking about the day.
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