
In result of the recent conflict and thanks to the generosity of Christians, a messianic school of art on the outskirts of Jerusalem was supplied with a bomb shelter.

This is not a sentence we ever wanted to write – we wish there was no need for it. At the same time, we are grateful and amazed by the swift and generous response of the believing body worldwide for the sake of Israel.

Shelter in a Time of Need

Two months ago, thousands of innocent people in Israel woke up to alarm sirens in their city, warning residents of an incoming rocket attack. When you find yourself in a situation like that, your first thought will likely be: where is the nearest bomb shelter?

If you have never experienced this, it may be hard to fathom how one should think and act in that moment. In Tel Aviv, residents may have up to a minute to find cover. But in the south? In many towns and villages, you would have mere seconds!

In the recent conflict, rockets were exploding overhead even as far as Jerusalem. It is rare, but that is also why many found themselves unprepared. Such was the case also at the Yuval School of Music and the Arts, member ministry of FIRM. Without shelter on-sight, students and teachers had nowhere to go when sirens went off.

No one expected one of the rockets to land just a few minutes away from the music school facility. But as the leaders sought help, the believers worldwide were quick to respond.  

What is Yuval School of Music and Arts?

For the past decade, Yuval School of Music and Arts has been training believers to use their musical gifts for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

The Yuval School is teaching believers of all ages how to be vessels of worship in their everyday lives. They offer classes in piano, guitar, bass, violin, percussion, and other, depending on interest. Additionally, the school has offered seminars for song writing, sound and music production and more.

Currently they have over 100 students taking weekly classes at their facilities. Their model is to teach, inspire and create. Yuval is dedicated to equipping believers in Israel musicality to honor the Lord.

Understanding the weight of responsibility, Yuval’s leaders knew that they needed to provide security as soon as possible. They care about the safety of all teachers and students in their care. Unfortunately, the cost to install a bomb shelter was way beyond their budget. 

A State-of-the-art Shelter for Yuval and Neighbors

In May, due to the conflict families were displaced, homes were destroyed, and riots broke out. But as fear spread across our nation, one more thing transpired. Believers around the world arose to comfort those in need. Hope prevailed. 

Through the generous support of Christians worldwide, Yuval secured over 80% of the needed funds! They were able to order a state-of-the-art, self-standing shelter, which will provide peace of mind for the staff, students, and all who pass through their doors.

Yuval will also be able to be a light to their neighbors, who will be welcomed to use the shelter in a time of need. Thankfully, the conflict has tapered since May, and there have been no sirens as of late. But should the need for a shelter arise again, thanks to quick Christian action, this community can feel protected.

Be a Part of the Story!

If you are someone who has a heart for Israel, join the Tribe community with FIRM. Together we can make a change for God’s Kingdom on earth and be a part of transforming lives in Israel with the love of Jesus. 

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FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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