
Pastor Chad Veach came to Israel knowing it would be good. But he didn’t know it would change his life.

Chad Veach at Jerusalem Encounter in Israel

FIRM was honored to host pastor Chad Veach on his first trip to Israel, at the Jerusalem Encounter Conference. Although he spent just a few days in Jerusalem, it made a lasting impact on his life and ministry. Consequently, he brought his thoughts to the conference attendees. 

“I’ve done two days of touring, and I feel like I know nothing of the Bible. I’ve come to discover how good God is and how little I know,” he shared from the stage. “I have fallen in love with the Scriptures, with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all over again.”

Highlighting how much this trip meant to him, especially in rediscovering the Old Testament, pastor Veach pointed out how the Old and the New Testaments work in stereo. After that, he pointed out:

“I didn’t know it would change the way that I approach Scriptures, and the way that I approach and teach the entirety of who God is.”

Listen to pastor Chad Veach’s teaching from Jerusalem Encounter Conference in Israel:
(the teaching starts at about 1:26:00 – click here to go directly to that segment)



An Invitation to All Pastors

Moreover, after visiting the Old City of Jerusalem, pastor Veach had a few words to share with other pastors and leaders worldwide.

“I’d like to say to every pastor out there, you have to come to Israel. If you want to represent God and speak on His behalf, I think we have to come here and get a snapshot of the context of what we are trying to communicate.”

Pastor Chad Veach was truly blown away how much being in Israel has transformed the way he reads his Bible now. That is to say, stories, places and events were coming to life as he visited some of the Biblical sites.

“I didn’t anticipate my whole life being transformed… Going back, I go knowing that I know nothing. I know a sliver of information and I’m really motivated and inspired to study more. It’s all in color now! I just went from black-and-white television to a 4K color television!”

Hear more of the impressions of Israel from pastor Chad Veach during his visit to Jerusalem:



Take Chad Veach’s Invitation and Visit Israel!

Want to experience the Holy Land for yourself? The borders are open, and the path has been paved! So, we want to welcome you to Israel and show you the land that God chose and loves!

Join us for Jerusalem Encounter Tour: www.jerusalemencounter.com

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The Tribe is a passionate and faithful group of monthly donors on a mission to transform lives in Israel through the love of Jesus.

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Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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