Hope & Healing - Show up and serve tour

Stay and Work – Israel Trip

Come serve in Israel for an extended time

If you love Israel and want to serve, we have a place for you! We are recruiting volunteers who want to serve in Israel for an extended period of time.

Arrival dates are available on Sundays during April – September.

*Arrivals are staggered every two weeks on Sundays, to begin working on Monday. You will select an arrival date when you apply

Short-term (2–10 weeks) Serving Opportunities

  • General Labor Workers (minimum 2 week stay) – kibbutzim clean up.
  • Skilled Construction Workers (minimum 4 week stay) – carpentry, drywall, electricians, etc.

Please Note:

  • You should be prepared for 6-8 hours a day of hard labor.
  • Your accommodation will be in the area and around the people you will be serving.
    • Example: If you are assigned agriculture work on a Kibbutz, you will be living there.
  • All service opportunities will be in South Israel, close to the Gaza border.
  • This program is designed for 18 years or older unless accompanied by an adult or guardian.


Individual Price: $600 USD a week

*50% non-refundable deposit due on approval


New Rules for Traveling to Israel!

The rules for travel to Israel have changed. Starting from August 2024, visitors from visa-exempt countries are required to obtain an ETA-IL(Electronic Travel Authorization) to enter the state of Israel. An approved ETA-IL, indicates that you are allowed to travel to Israel and stay for up to 90 days per visit.

All travelers to Israel must have a valid visa or ETA-IL approval before they start their journey. If you are eligible, obtaining an ETA-IL is a simpler and faster process. Learn more: https://israel-entry.piba.gov.il/

Note: Israeli citizens or holders of an Israeli identity number do not need to apply for an ETA-IL.

Please apply and get approved for your ETA-IL before buying plane tickets. Thank you!

What’s included in the cost

  • Food
  • Accommodations
  • Transportation to/from the airport on Sundays
  • Transportation to/from service opportunities
  • Work Placement (based on your qualifications)

What’s not included

  • Airfare
  • Travel/health insurance (required)
  • Leisure day transportation


Before You Go

Do I need a passport?
Yes. Proof of citizenship is required for all travelers, and passports are required (must be valid for at least six months beyond the completion of travel). All non-citizens of the U.S. must have passports, visas and other documentation normally required for entry into the country of destination. Do not pack your passport or travel documents in your luggage.
What should I make copies of before I leave for Israel?
In case documents get lost or stolen, make two photocopies of the following: the first two pages of your passport, credit cards, airline tickets and itinerary and travel insurance details. Leave one copy with a contactable friend at home and take the other with you (separate from the originals) or give it to a friend traveling with you.
How safe is traveling to Israel?
Israel is normally a very safe country to visit, we encourage you to visit your countries Embassy page for updated information. During this trip you will NOT be going to the West Bank or Gaza and your safety is our top priority. We use various measures to ensure the safety of participants, but we also encourage participants to take precautions they normally would when traveling to another city or country.
What time zone is Israel in?
Israel Standard Time (IST) is the standard time zone in Israel. It is 2 hours ahead of UTC and 7 hours ahead of EST.
Can I use my cellphone in Israel? Do I need to get a different SIM card or prepaid phone?
Most cell phone providers offer international plans; check with your carrier before your trip to see what international options they provide. If your phone is unlocked you can purchase a prepaid SIM card at a fairly low price.
What currency does Israel use? How should I exchange my money?
We suggest you bring US Dollars, British Pounds, or Euros, which can be exchanged for the Israeli Shekel. There are locations throughout each city in Israel to exchange currency, including most hotels; you may also obtain Shekels prior to departure. Rates vary from place to place and some charge commission.
What about my debit card? Do shops and restaurants accept debit/credit cards or do I need to bring money to convert to local currency?
Most shops and restaurants accept foreign debit/credit cards. Exchanging some money for Israeli Shekels is a good idea. You will need Shekels for there are a small number of shops that may only take cash (especially when outside of tourist areas or in the markets).
Should I bring a backpack or bag every day?

A backpack is always a good idea. Water bottles, cameras, money and souvenirs will be harder to manage if you do not have something to put them in.

Will I be able to plug in electronics in Israel?
Most hotels in Israel will have 220 volts AC 50 Hz. You will need to bring along necessary converters and adapters to operate any 120 volts, 60 Hz appliances such as hair dryers, electric razors, etc. Some small electronic devices are dual-voltage and will adjust automatically for other countries. If your appliance’s charger has a manual switch, you’ll need to change it back and forth before plugging in your appliance. For dual voltage electronics, you’ll simply need to bring an adapter to plug the charger into the outlet. Before leaving on your trip, check the manual or power cord for the device to know if it will work with 220 voltage without a converter. Be aware that U.S. electronics that are not dual-voltage should never be used without a converter in countries with a voltage of 220.


Can I travel with liquids?
Any liquids in your checked-in suitcase should be in tight (preferably plastic) bottles. Fill them only three-quarters full to allow for expansion. International security regulations require that liquids, aerosols and gels in carry-on bags must be in containers of 100 ml or less and carried together in one transparent plastic bag (20 cm by 20 cm or 15 cm by 25 cm) with a resealable (zip-lock) top. Among these are cosmetics, sun block, perfume, shaving cream, insect repellent, antiperspirants, and toothpaste.
What should I pack in my carry-on?

> Passport (Bring 2 colored copies)

> Pack 2 sets of clothes in carry-on

> Electronics

> Medical Prescriptions

> We also recommend that you bring basic medicine as well (i.e. Tylenol, Advil, Emergen-c, Loperamide)


When flying El Al, you will have to go to the check-in counter to receive your ticket and check your baggage.

Before checking in, you will talk with Security personnel, this is not normal airport security, this is El Al security. They are going to ask you a variety of personal questions, remain calm and answer truthfully but concisely.
> You are coming into Israel to serve the people here during this time.

It is very difficult for us to say how many questions they will ask and how long it will take. There is also the possibility that you could end up talking with more than one person, and answering the same questions over and over.
> Just remain calm and answer.
> Recently we have had experiences where people are talking to Security for over an hour.
> We have also had experiences where they required people to check all of their bags including backpacks. So you need to be prepared for anything, just do what they say and you’ll be fine.
> It’s also true that women traveling alone will receive extra scrutiny. Not particularly fun but again, just answer and do whatever they say.

Upon Arrival in Tel Aviv

What can I expect at Customs and Passport Control

There are kiosks on the way to passport control that will ask you to scan your passport and print out a ticket, this is your Visa for Entry. This will save you a lot of time in the Passport Control line. You MUST ALWAYS keep the ticket with your passport.

Depending on the color of the Visa, there are a couple of different lines in the non-citizens custom lines. Once you come down the hallway, you will go to the right towards non-citizens and then follow the signs based on the color of your visa.

If you end up having to talk with a customs agent, you will tell them the same information you told security.

Other Important Tips

Sun/Rain Protection
We will spend much of our time during the trip outdoors therefore ensure you bring sun lotion and appropriate outdoor gear to wear each day.
You will receive a safety briefing from your allotted accomodation/work site.
Water - safe to drink? Access to bottled?
Generally the water is safe. However, filtered water will be available as well.
What to pack? Any supplies for working?

Work clothes, work boots, work gloves, rain gear, hat, backpack

Shower shoes (flip flops), robe

Will laundry facilities be available?
Yes, washer and dryer.
What will accommodations be like?

We are staying in Apartments on a Kibbutz.

You will have roommates.

We will provide: 2 sets of towels, comforter, sheets and a pillow.

Once a week grocery store runs will be happening.

Number of hours working - will there be opportunity to work more?

You should plan for a minimum of 6-8 hours a day

Additional work: that would be something to talk with whoever is in charge of your work site.

The work week in Israel is Sunday-Thursday, generally people don’t work on Friday or Saturday but depending on the nature of the work that may not be the case.

End of Year Campaign 2023: Hope and Healing - The Road to Recovery

Bring hope and healing to people hurting in Israel

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