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Morning Star Fellowship
Morning Star Fellowship
Bringing life and living hope to Galilee

Tiberius, Israel
About Morning Star Fellowship

Morning Star Fellowship is preparing the way in Galilee for the coming of the Lord.

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Claude Ezagouri
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Bringing life and living hope to Galilee

The Galilee region is a varied and populous region in Israel with a deep need to experience the peace, reconciliation and life that can only be found in Yeshua.

Morning Star Fellowship is a community of faith that prays and worships together, striving to demonstrate the love of Yeshua to all. Through various ministries and programs, the Fellowship aims to strengthen families and the local body of believers through home groups and excursions, and to reach the region through effective outreach and discipleship endeavors.

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Tiberius, Israel

Morning Star Fellowship

Morning Star Fellowship is a dynamic fellowship of people who desire to seek God’s face and be led by His Holy Spirit. It promotes worship and equips people to make Yeshua known in Tiberias and the Galilee.

About the Leadership

Claude Ezagouri

Claude Ezagouri is a Sephardic Jew who received Yeshua as his Savior in 1983 through a Christian radio station. In 1990 he received a clear word from God to start the Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias. He remains dedicated to promote the Gospel and equip believers in the Galilee.

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