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ICF Tel Aviv
ICF Tel Aviv
International Christian Fellowship
Cultivating a Messiah-Centered Community in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel
About ICF Tel Aviv

ICF Tel Aviv’s passion is to see people become more like Jesus Christ, to live fearlessly, and to have a positive influence on their world.

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Sergey & Natasha Mazhuga
Pastors and Founders
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Cultivating a Messiah-Centered Community in Tel Aviv

The needs in Israeli society compel ICF Tel Aviv to take compassionate action. They are known for their generosity, lending a hand and not turning their backs. They long to experience the power of God. Knowing that He can do all things, they expect the Holy Spirit to work among them and experience His miracles. ICF Tel Aviv dreams of a community where Jesus Christ is the center of everything. They are committed to life-changing preaching, powerful worship and overflowing creativity.

In the congregation, ICF Tel Aviv is committed to help everyone know God on a deeper and more personal level. No matter where people come from and regardless of their history, everyone can find a home at ICF. As they grow, they develop a more personal community through small groups, which have a positive influence on families, friends, and society.

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Tel Aviv, Israel

ICF Tel Aviv

ICF (International Christian Fellowship) is a Christian congregation – fresh, creative, and innovative. Their vision and desire is to see people get excited about living life with Jesus the Messiah. ICF strives to give their very best for God, to speak the language of our time, and to be a part of the solution. They are a community where all people can experience and get to know God personally, while building relationships with others and using and developing their talents and abilities. ICF Tel Aviv wants to bring the best news ever – that God loves us and wants to have a personal relationship with us – in a fresh way.

About the Leadership

Sergey & Natasha Mazhuga
Pastors and Founders

Sergey and Natasha Mazhuga are the founding pastors of ICF Tel Aviv. They moved to Israel in 2009 with two small kids, and a vision to build a modern church in Tel Aviv. They have a passion to bring the light of Jesus to the young generation of Israelis. They believe that it is possible to have a healthy thriving congregation in Tel Aviv for all people. Along with their now teenage children, Sergey and Natasha serve and build ICF Tel Aviv together.

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