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House of Victory
House of Victory
Bringing Restoration and Salvation to those in Bondage

Haifa, Israel
About House of Victory

House of Victory serves “the poor who are cast out” (according to Isaiah 58:6-7) and strives to be the “good Samaritan” who reaches out to the afflicted and homeless, while sharing with them the good news of salvation and deliverance in Yeshua (Jesus).

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Eric Benson
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Bringing Restoration and Salvation to those in Bondage

Israel is not free of substance abuse, whether it’s alcohol, drugs or other debilitating vices. Many people who fall into the trap of addiction end up homeless on the streets.

House of Victory is a warm, family environment, where men with backgrounds of substance abuse are invited to live free of charge. Here, they are introduced to the good news of Messiah Yeshua.

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Haifa, Israel

House of Victory

House of Victory is Israel’s first Bible-based residential rehabilitation center for men with backgrounds of substance abuse. At the House, the men go through a recovery therapy while also being introduced to the Gospel. As they encounter the truth of salvation in Yeshua through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, their lives are completely transformed. Leaving hopelessness and despair behind, they build fruitful lives filled with peace and joy. The home has also become a place of reconciliation, as Jews and Arabs learn to live together and experience forgiveness of Yeshua.

About the Leadership

Eric Benson

Eric Benson worked with multiple outreach and rehabilitation programs at Times Square Church in New York City. That is where his heart was moved to reach the homeless and addicts. He furthered his training in working with men with backgrounds in substance abuse. As a believer with a great love for the Jewish people, in early 1990’s Eric moved to Haifa, to work at the House of Victory founded by David and Karen Davis. In 1996 Eric became the director of House of Victory. He has since initiated the Tel Aviv Outreach, leading teams weekly to minister to the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes.
Eric studied history and communications at the University of Rhode Island. Additionally, he earned a degree and ordination from Zion Bible Institute. He serves as an elder at Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation), He is married to Sophie, an Israeli Arab Christian, and they have two daughters.

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