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Jews for Jesus
Jews for Jesus
  • Info
  • Founded 1973
  • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Outreach
  • Info
  • Founded 1973
  • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Outreach
We relentlessly pursue God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people.

Tel Aviv, Israel
About Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus is making disciples and fulfilling the Great Commission by engaging Jewish people with the gospel message, equipping them to follow Jesus, and inspiring Christians to do the same.

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Eli Birnbaum
Israel Director
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We relentlessly pursue God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people.

Many people believe that Jews who believe in Jesus are no longer Jews, that believing in Jesus and being Jewish are mutually exclusive categories. This fear of losing their Jewish heritage and identity is one of the biggest hurdles to salvation for Jewish people.

Jews for Jesus works day and night to get the message of Jesus to the Israeli people through weekly outreach, one-on-one visits, and phone calling. Each missionary builds a caseload, follows up with their contacts, and earnestly shares about the love of Jesus. The Young Adult Ministry Team, housed at their Moishe Rosen Center, is reaching the Florentin neighborhood in Tel Aviv by hosting art galleries, cultural events, and regular weekly meetings for high school age believers, Israeli soldiers, a women’s book club, and a Messianic congregation.

Bring the truth of the Jewish Messiah to Israel

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Tel Aviv, Israel

Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus is a global nonprofit comprised primarily of Jewish people who have come to believe that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. They exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue for Jewish people worldwide and to impart God’s love and salvation to Israel and the nations.Jews for Jesus works diligently to share the Gospel with Israeli people through direct evangelism, community projects, one-on-one discipleship, and Bible study.

About the Leadership

Eli Birnbaum
Israel Director

Eli Birnbaum, married to Shoshana, is a father of two boys. With a BA in Economics, he is currently studying for an MA in Bible and Theological Studies. Eli has served with Jews for Jesus for the last 10 years, and was recently named the Israel Director. He leads a local neighborhood congregation. Eli is the cofounder of Israeli Massah, a backpacking ministry, and a founder of a Tel Aviv city sponsored project that reuses water from dripping AC units for plants. Eli inspired the Uriel 23, a multi-purpose venue that showcases local art and neighborhood initiatives, and is a curator of the international art show “Jerusalem and her Sons”, by an Israeli artist painting Jesus’s words.

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