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House of Prayer and Exploits
House of Prayer and Exploits
Equipping and Mobilizing Prayer Warriors in Nazareth and the Land of Israel

Nazareth, Israel
About House of Prayer and Exploits

A training center with a vision to train, equip and empower young Israeli Arab believers and Arab women to become worshippers and intercessors.

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Rania Sayegh
Founder and Director
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Equipping and Mobilizing Prayer Warriors in Nazareth and the Land of Israel

Young believers in Israeli Arab cities are in great need of godly discipleship and fellowship as they follow Jesus. At the same time, there are many earnest women who desire to worship and intercede for their communities.

House of Prayer and Exploits is answering this need by providing the space and the mentorship needed. Young believers can fellowship and support one another at HOPE, while women of all backgrounds pray and worship together for their cities and the nation!

Support the training of Israeli Arab Worshipers and Intercessors!

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Nazareth, Israel

House of Prayer and Exploits

HOPE is a training center located in Nazareth. It is an acronym for House of Prayer and Exploits. The name references Daniel 11:32, “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Their goal is to raise up people of prayer and worshipers who will stand in the gap for the land of Israel. HOPE believes that through prayer we can change a nation and save a generation. By carrying the message of the Gospel, and through works of God’s justice, mercy, and healing, youth and women will become messengers of love and peace in the land of Israel and the Middle East.

About the Leadership

Rania Sayegh
Founder and Director

Rania Sayegh is an Israeli Christian Arab from Nazareth, who has worked in the high-tech arena for 20 years. She is a Christian believer who loves God and people. In pursuit of her personal spiritual calling she founded HOPE – a nonprofit organization. Her heart is to equip youth and women to become intercessors and worshipers in order to see the prayer movement emerge with power and to see the ministry of Yeshua restored in this land.

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