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HaTikva Project
HaTikva Project
Serving families and the needy of Israel in the name of Yeshua

Ma’ale Adumim, Israel
About HaTikva Project

HaTikva Project exists to strengthen the Body of Israeli believers and to serve the people of Israel with the love of their Messiah. We do this by providing dental services to the needy in our dental clinics, by equipping the Body to respond to the orphan crisis in Israel through adoption and foster care and by providing direct financial support to Israeli believers who are experiencing financial crisis.

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Evan Levine
Executive Director
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Serving families and the needy of Israel in the name of Yeshua

Less than 1% of Israel’s population has accepted Yeshua as their Messiah, and poverty runs rampant within their ranks. How can the Body grow and serve when they themselves are the needy?

HaTikva Project serves the needs of the poor, oppressed, and needy in the Israel through three key initiatives. The first initiative, HaTikva Aid, gives financial support to needy members of the growing Messianic community. HaTikva Project’s other branches, HaTikva Dental and HaTikva Families, reach out and empower believers to meet the needs of the greater community through free or low-cost dental care and fostering/adoption services.

Meet the needs of Israelis in Yeshua’s name

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Ma’ale Adumim, Israel

HaTikva Project

Jewish people from across the globe are returning to Israel, ushering in the season of her salvation, and Hatikva Project is here to help. HaTikva Project (The “Hope” Project) was created to support the growing body of Messiah in Israel by funding needs in the Body while also meeting specific, critical needs for quality dental care as well as foster care and adoption services in the nation. They passionately serve the people of Israel, regardless of their faith, in order to make the name of Yeshua famous in the Land.

About the Leadership

Evan Levine
Executive Director

Evan Levine has been the Executive Director of HaTikva Project since its foundation in 2009. Evan was raised in a Reform Jewish family, came to faith at the age of twelve just before his Bar Mitzvah, and has been passionate about seeing the Jewish people come to faith in their Messiah ever since. In addition to his work with HaTikva Project, Evan faithfully serves as the worship director at a local, Messianic congregation, and lives with his wife, Elisa, and their three children outside of Jerusalem.

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