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Tikkun Global
Tikkun Global
Building the Kingdom of God in unity

Jerusalem, Israel
About Tikkun Global

Tikkun Global has a twofold vision: To Israel and to the nations. We are a global family, contending for the Acts 1:8 and 3:19-21 vision of revival and restoration from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth and back again to Israel. We seek to partner with believers from all over the world to this end. God's One New Man (Eph. 2:15), His Olive Tree (Rom. 11) is made up of Israel and the nations, and when we come together in Yeshua, blessing will follow (Ps. 133).

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Asher Intrater
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Ron Cantor
Executive Team
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Building the Kingdom of God in unity

To Israel
We exist to:
·     Plant New Covenant communities in Israel.
·     Raise up Israeli pastors and evangelists.
·     Disciple new Israeli believers.
·     Have joint fellowship as a network of congregations and leaders.
·     Serve, support and strengthen Tikkun Israel leaders and congregations.
·     Assist other believers, ministries and congregations in Israel any way we can.
·     Promote and serve unity with Arab Christians in Israel and neighboring countries.
·     Provide humanitarian aid to those in need, revealing the true nature of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).
To the Nations
We seek to connect, partner and align with other like-minded ministries in the nations by:
·     Taking the prophetic teaching and the message of the gospel from Israel, like the first believers, to other countries.
·     Hosting roundtable leadership conferences in Israel.
·     Striving for reconciliation between the church and the Jewish people.
·     Training non-Jewish believers to reach the Jewish people
·     Raising up prayer support for God’s priorities in Israel—which will bless the nations.


In short, we in Israel need you—believers in the nations. And it is healthy for believers in the nations and believers in the prophesied restored nation of Israel to be mutually aligned with each other for God’s glory.

Restore Israel and the Church

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Jerusalem, Israel

Tikkun Global

We are a global family, contending for the Acts 1:8 and 3:19-21 vision of revival and restoration from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the ends of the earth and back again to Israel. We seek to partner with believers from all over the world to this end. God’s One New Man (Eph. 2:15), His Olive Tree (Rom. 11) is made up of Israel and the nations, and when we come together in Yeshua, blessing will follow (Ps. 133).

About the Leadership

Asher Intrater

Asher Intrater serves as president of Revive Israel/Tikkun Global, a family of congregations and ministries with a vision for revival and restoration from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth and back again.

Asher and his wife Betty have served in the Messianic Jewish movement for over four decades. They have a passion for intercessory prayer, and an Abraham-Sarah heart of love for their own people and for the nations.

Asher holds a BA from Harvard College in Ancient Literature and an MA from Baltimore Hebrew University in Jewish Studies. He has authored dozens of books and articles in Hebrew and English. They and their 4 children and 7 grandchildren live in the Jerusalem area and around Israel.

Ron Cantor
Executive Team

Ron Cantor serves on the executive team of Tikkun Global, a global Messianic family of 40-plus congregations and ministries in Israel and the US, and beyond. He received his degree from Messiah Biblical Institute and has served in congregational and pastoral leadership in the US, Ukraine, and Israel.

Ron was born into a Jewish home but did not personally know God. At 17 he realized there must be more, which led him on a journey to discover that Yeshua (Jesus), was in fact, the Jewish Messiah.

Ron and his wife Elana live in Tel Aviv, where he serves as president of Shelanu TV, a 24/7 Hebrew language digital television channel. In 2013 Ron agreed to become the lead pastor of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. Three years later we turned the congregation over to a native-born Israeli, while still functioning as an elder there.

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