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Tiferet Yeshua
Tiferet Yeshua
Loving God, each other, and Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel
About Tiferet Yeshua

Tiferet Yeshua in Hebrew means ‘The Glory of Jesus.’ The congregation meets in Tel Aviv, and was founded by Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram in 1995 as a local spirit filled Hebrew speaking congregation. The congregation meets on Friday afternoon right before the start of the Sabbath. It has a special anointing for freedom of worship, sharing the good news, and expressing the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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Gil Afrait
Senior Pastor
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Loving God, each other, and Tel Aviv

Israel is a nation of diversity that welcomes the nations with open arms. While this cultural mix is enriching and exciting, Israelis need to hear the Word of God and the message of Salvation in their own language and in a context that is relevant to their culture.

Tiferet Yeshua is a Hebrew speaking congregation in Tel Aviv building their community with the faith, love, and knowledge of Jesus. They teach their members to love and support each other like family, reach out to help the poor and needy, and grow in knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. In addition to their weekly services, Tiferet Yeshua offers discipleship classes, worship and prayer meetings, and opportunities to bless their congregational family and the community.

Bring the Gospel to Israelis in Tel Aviv

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Tel Aviv, Israel

Tiferet Yeshua

Tiferet Yeshua is a Spirit-filled, Hebrew speaking congregation of Israelis in the heart of Tel Aviv seeking to love God, love each other, and love their city. Ari and Shira Sokoram, founders of Maoz Israel, started Tiferet Yeshua in 2005 because they saw a need for congregations that could reach Israelis in their own language and culture. Tiferet Yeshua is passionate about declaring Salvation in Tel Aviv and seeing Israelis come to know their Messiah.

About the Leadership

Gil Afrait
Senior Pastor

Born and raised in Israel, Gil embarked on a search through the scriptures in 1999 after being presented with the possibility that Yeshua is the Messiah. Gil delved into the powerful prophetic scriptures which clearly foretell the first coming of Yeshua, the suffering Messiah, and, at the same time, fell in love with that same Yeshua in the New Testament which led him to give his life to the Lord. Gil worked as an engineer full time until the Lord called him into ministry in 2015 as the head of Tiferet Yeshua’s pastoral team. He and his wife live in Israel with their three children.

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