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Return to Zion
Return to Zion
Help bring physical and spiritual restoration to Israel!

Haifa, Israel
About Return to Zion

Return to Zion wants to see the Jewish people restored and the name of Yeshua proclaimed in all of Israel.

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Leon Mazin
Lead Pastor
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Help bring physical and spiritual restoration to Israel!

Aware of both practical and spiritual needs in Israel, the ministry of Return to Zion was established to provide assistance to the needy and build a community by starting a congregation in Haifa.

Return to Zion provides humanitarian aid to dozens of new immigrants weekly; they run a music school, serving over 180 children; and a food distribution center that is available to the needy of all backgrounds: Russian, Hebrew, and Arabic-speakers. Return to Zion also hosts events for Holocaust survivors and streams messianic teachings in Russian to tens of thousands of viewers.

Help bring physical and spiritual restoration to Israel!

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Haifa, Israel

Return to Zion

Return to Zion was established in 2001 by the inspiration from God’s prophetic Word to bring the Jewish people back to Israel and to proclaim the name of Yeshua among the people of Israel. Because of that, the Return to Zion congregation has a vision and the desire to promote Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) and to be a part of the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel.

About the Leadership

Leon Mazin
Lead Pastor

Leon was born in the former Soviet Union, in Belarus, to a secular family. He became a believer in Yeshua in his twenties and eventually earned a Master’s Degree in Theology. Leon and his wife Nina immigrated to Israel roughly thirty years ago. Their heart is completely devoted to the Word of God, and they desire to see Return to Zion develop and thrive for the glory of the Lord.

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