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Light of Galilee Congregation
Light of Galilee Congregation
Or HaGalil
Living and sharing the Messiah’s life, peace, and unity in the Galilee

Nahariya, Israel
About Light of Galilee Congregation

Light of the Galilee (Or HaGalil) Congregation is a community of Jews and Gentiles who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, and through Him all who believe can live a new life in peace and unity.

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Dr. Efraim Goldstein
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Living and sharing the Messiah’s life, peace, and unity in the Galilee

Nahariya is a town in northern Israel that was established in the 1930s, mainly by Jewish settlers from Germany. It was initially an agricultural settlement, but soon businesses were established. Today, the city is made up of a mosaic of people from Morocco, Ethiopia, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Argentina and the United States.

Light of the Galilee congregation brings people together of various backgrounds to learn about and worship Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. Nahariya is a thriving community, both for business and tourism. It needed a congregation where followers of Yeshua could fellowship, grow and share the good news with their neighbors.

Share the peace and unity that is found in Messiah in the Galilee

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Nahariya, Israel

Light of Galilee Congregation

Light of the Galilee cares for the diverse community in Western Galilee. The congregation has been demonstrating its heart for the people through weekly meetings, seminars, Bible studies and community service projects.

About the Leadership

Dr. Efraim Goldstein

Efraim and his wife Jeannie Goldstein are Jewish believers in Yeshua who have been serving the Lord in ministry to the Jewish people since 1977. They both grew up in Jewish homes and each on their own path discovered that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel. Now they want others to recognize that as well. In 1994 they immigrated to Israel with their two sons. Efraim has earned advanced degrees in Biblical studies and has a doctorate in Mentoring New Followers of Yeshua. They moved to Nahariya in 2012 to lead Kehilah Or Hagalil (Light of the Galilee) Congregation. Their sons are married, and Efraim and Jeannie have five grandchildren.

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