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Nachalat Yeshua
Nachalat Yeshua
Yeshua's Inheritance Congregation
Preparing the way for Messiah’s return

Beer Sheva, Israel
About Nachalat Yeshua

Nachalat Yeshua is a congregation bearing witness to the Good News of Jesus in order to grow the Kingdom of God to full maturity in preparation for the Bridegroom’s return.

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Howard Bass
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Preparing the way for Messiah’s return

Israel is made up of people from different cultures, countries, and backgrounds in fulfillment of God’s prophetic promises. Believers returning to the Land need an oasis where they can be refreshed as they take their stand for Jesus in the land of their inheritance.

Nachalat Yeshua is a culturally diverse community of Messianic believers who are willing and prepared to share their faith in every situation. They are actively involved in reconciliation and fellowship with Arab Christians and participate in a number of humanitarian works in Beer Sheva and abroad. Streams in the Negev, the non-profit organization associated with Nachalat Yeshua, provides Biblical education and training to connect people with the spiritual heritage of the faith and meets local needs by investing and serving with local charity initiatives.

Water the desert with the message of Salvation

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Beer Sheva, Israel

Nachalat Yeshua

Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) is an evangelical, cross-denominational, Messianic congregation in Beer Sheva that was founded in 1972. Their culturally diverse community relies on Hebrew as their unifying language, but provides translation in Russian, English, and Spanish in order to meet the needs of their members. Nachalat Yeshua is a warm and inviting congregation emphasizing sound teaching, fervent prayer, genuine fellowship, and effective evangelism and discipleship.

About the Leadership

Howard Bass

Howard and Randi immigrated to Israel from the United States in September 1981, settling in Beer Sheva shortly after their arrival in February 1982. They have been active members of Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) Congregation in Beer Sheva since that time. Before taking his current position as a pastor in 2000, Howard had built a 17-year career in the Israeli workplace. Thanks to the goodness of the Lord, they have raised up an Israeli-born family of believers who are all actively serving in various capacities in the Body of Messiah in Israel.

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