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King of Kings Herzliya
King of Kings Herzliya
a ministry of KKM
Reaching Herzliya with the Love of Yeshua

Herzliya, Israel
About King of Kings Herzliya

King of Kings Community Herzliya is a strategic worship center offering Messiah-centered Biblical teaching, contemporary worship, and a unique fellowship of Messianic Jewish believers and Christians from around the world.

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Daniel and Jalene Geppert
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Reaching Herzliya with the Love of Yeshua

Herzliya is a high-tech, thriving multi-cultural city with a strong base of Jewish residents, dignitaries, and international students. Until recently, local Jewish believers and international Christians have been without a place to gather for Biblical teaching, worship, and fellowship.

Wayne Hilsden, the cofounder of King of Kings Community in Jerusalem, had a profound sense that the Lord was calling the KKM network to reach this strategic city. The region is ripe for ministry and we see it in the rapid growth of the congregation since its launch in September 2016.

And this is just the beginning, as word of the congregation begins to spread. We feel a wave a God’s blessing coming over this city and we are humbled and honored to be his hands and feet and voice in this city!

Join us in worship, a community meal and a prayer watch, or consider supporting the vision from abroad!

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Herzliya, Israel

King of Kings Herzliya

King of Kings Community is a unique blend of Messianic Jewish believers and Christians from around the world who desire to worship and grow together through reading and studying scripture.

Our desire is to raise up disciples and share Yeshua’s love in this city. The congregation is called to be a compelling, Messiah-centered and Spirit-empowered community that reveals the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Herzliya, Israel and the nations.

About the Leadership

Daniel and Jalene Geppert

Daniel Geppert, originally from Germany, grew up in a ministry environment with parents serving as pastors. He often visited Israel with family and lived in Jerusalem for a year, attending a young and growing at the time local congregation named King of Kings.

Daniel met his wife Jalene, originally from Canada, in 2010 when they served as volunteers in a rehabilitation center in Tel Aviv. After a season in Germany, they returned to Israel to serve as the Children & Youth Directors at King of Kings Community Jerusalem. Daniel holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministries. He leads the Israel Academy of Ministry (IAM), supports the KKM executive team as an advisor, and oversees various departments within King of Kings Ministries. Daniel and Jalene have served as the senior pastors of the King of Kings Community in Herzliya since 2017.

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