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Kehilat Yesharim
Kehilat Yesharim
Reaching and Restoring Ethiopian Families with the Gospel

Kiryat Gat, Israel
About Kehilat Yesharim

Kehilat Yesharim strives to cultivate the next generation in the truth of the Gospel through congregation life, practical service, and marriage counseling.

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Yeshiwas Aysheshim
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Reaching and Restoring Ethiopian Families with the Gospel

Kiryat Gat was missing a faith community that would reach out to the large Ethiopian Jewish population in the area in their native tongue of Amharic. Kehilat Yesharim became an answer to this great need. Through intensive teaching about the Messiah, they disciple many families and reach out to the young generation.

At the same time, the congregation leaders realized there is a huge crisis in marriages among the Ethiopian immigrants. In order to strengthen the institution of marriage, they started a Biblical counseling program for couples.

Strengthen Ethiopian Families in Israel through the Power of the Gospel!

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Kiryat Gat, Israel

Kehilat Yesharim

Kehilat Yesharim focuses on ministering to the Ethiopian families in their community. They accomplish their goals through weekly congregational gatherings, Bible studies, discipleship meetings, youth events, and even music lessons. All the programs exist to see Ethiopian families restored and strengthened by the power of the Gospel.

About the Leadership

Yeshiwas Aysheshim

Pastor Yeshiwas Aysheshim made aliyah from Ethiopia in the late 1990s. He has been a follower of Yeshua and has served the Kingdom of God for more than 20 years. He is both a respected teacher of the Word as well as a very talented worship leader. Pastor Yeshiwas and his wife Tehila are parents of four children.

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