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House of Generation Renewal Congregation
House of Generation Renewal Congregation
Preparing a Generation in Israel to Build God’s Kingdom

Tel Aviv, Israel
About House of Generation Renewal Congregation

House of Generation is a congregation that strives to prepare a new generation of believers in Israel, with a renewed mind and lifestyle, to be vessels of honor founded on the principles of God's Kingdom.

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Tsebaot Engida Meshesha
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Preparing a Generation in Israel to Build God’s Kingdom

House of Generation Renewal Congregation is dedicated to raising up a young generation of Israeli believers from every background and ethnicity, especially Amharic speakers (of Ethiopian descent).

They are a Messiah-centered community focused on building strong families, awakening hearts to service and volunteerism in the local congregation. Their theme is, “today’s seed is tomorrow’s flower”.

Help raise up the young generation of Israeli believers from every background and ethnicity!

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Tel Aviv, Israel

House of Generation Renewal Congregation

House of Generation Renewal Congregation was established in 2014. This uniquely positioned training and equipping center is designed to build community among Israelis of Ethiopian descent, especially Amharic speakers.  They strive to plant other like-minded congregations, expanding their Tel Aviv and Jerusalem locations. House of Generation established the only Bible School for Amharic speakers in Israel, called the Moriah Bible College, to train and develop leaders who make disciples.

About the Leadership

Tsebaot Engida Meshesha

Pastor Tsebaot Engida was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In 1995, his life was dramatically changed when he gave his life to Jesus Christ after hearing evangelist Billy Graham preach. He has spent years serving as a pastor, evangelist, worship leader, and teacher in several remote areas, and various cities throughout Ethiopia prior to moving to Israel in 2012.

After he moved to Israel, he continued teaching and equipping Christians in Jerusalem. In May 2015, he planted the first church, House of Generation Renewal Congregation, in Tel Aviv, Israel. Since then, he has planted several churches and is the founding pastor and leader for the House of Generation Renewal Congregation located in Jerusalem, Israel; Rome, Italy; and Gondar, Ethiopia. In addition, he serves as a senior pastor for Emmanuel Church in Brussels, Belgium. Pastor Meshesha has vision to plant additional churches in Israel, Europe, and the United States of America.

The Lord has placed the next generation on his heart, regardless of age, for the maturing of the Body of Christ. He is also the founder of the Moriah Bible College.

Pastor Meshesha established Moriah Bible School in Israel in 2020. The school offers a systematic, spiritual, scholarly study of a range of biblical subjects which is designed to equip Christians to grow and become mature in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and impact the world for Christ.

Pastor Mesheha resides in Tel Aviv, Israel with his wife Aynalem Baykedan, and daughter, Eliana Meshesha.

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