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Fields of Wheat
Fields of Wheat
Equipping the Disciples for the Lord’s Harvest

Katzrin, Golan Heights
About Fields of Wheat

The goal of Fields of Wheat is to equip Israel’s next generation, both Jewish and Arab, to become whole-hearted disciples—the Lord’s harvest workers (Matthew 9:36-38). This equipping takes place through various initiatives, including teen camps and young adult discipleship training, where the focus is on worship, God’s word, and fellowship.

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Joel Jelski
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Equipping the Disciples for the Lord’s Harvest

The heart of Fields of Wheat is to serve the whole body of Messiah in Israel, Jewish and Arab followers of Yeshua through our current equipping initiatives. Our long term goal is to create an equipping center, to be an inspiring place for fellowship, training, and worship.

The center will also foster a rural community environment with an agricultural component, that will include practical service and team outreaches within Israel and beyond. The hope is for the participants to enter a process of personal and corporate transformation according to God’s Word and through the work of His Spirit.

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Katzrin, Golan Heights

Fields of Wheat

Fields of Wheat believes now is the time for God’s people around the world to join together prepare the next generation as workers and leaders in the Lord’s end-time harvest. We are dedicated to investing in Israel’s youth and young adults, through our national teen camps (Katzir/Harvest) and discipleship initiatives. The ministry was founded with a desire to serve all congregations of the descendants of Abraham—Jewish and Arab believers—who love the Messiah. Consequently, Fields of Wheat will seek to be a living example of unity according to John 17, bringing together Jewish, Arab, and international believers to worship and serve together.

About the Leadership

Joel Jelski

Joel Jelski is a native Israeli believer in Yeshua. He is married and has two children. After serving in ministry in Jerusalem for many years, his family moved to the north to serve with Fields of Wheat.

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