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Derech Avraham
Derech Avraham
At the Crossroads
  • Info
  • Founded 2012
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Outreach
  • Info
  • Founded 2012
  • Jerusalem, Israel
  • Outreach
Building unity in the Middle East

Jerusalem, Israel
About Derech Avraham

Derech Avraham is building an international, relational network of disciples that is working on practical and spiritual initiatives to build unity and a Kingdom mindset in the Middle East that will ultimately bless the nations.

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Michael Kerem
Leadership Team Coordinator
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Building unity in the Middle East

The return of the Lord is at hand, and yet unity has not come to the Middle East. Until there is reconciliation between these nations, as outlined in Isaiah 19, the highway that will bless the nations cannot be built.

Derech Avraham gathers national and international believers from around the Middle East to attend their ATC events, hosted in Jerusalem and intermittently throughout key regional locations such as Jordan, Cyprus and Armenia. These gatherings encourage new initiatives and supply resources for ongoing projects in the region, including aid to Syrian refugees, planting churches, and discipleship programs.

Join the prophetic reunion and reconciliation of the Middle East

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Jerusalem, Israel

Derech Avraham

Derech Avraham/At the Crossroads (Abraham’s Journey) believes that God’s blessing will be released on the earth when there is unity among the Body in the Middle East. Their initiatives, relational network, and gatherings mobilize the next generation by helping them understand their responsibility to help the world see Egypt, Assyria, and Israel, together and unified, as a blessing on the earth in light of God’s covenants, promises, and prophetic plans.

About the Leadership

Michael Kerem
Leadership Team Coordinator

Michael and Alis Kerem are based in Israel and serve the Lord both in their country and in the grander Middle East. Michael as a Non-Profit Consultant assists organizations throughout the Middle East with strategy teaching and training. Michael and Alis lead the Derech Avraham ministry and are on the leadership team of At the Crossroads – a network of people and ministries serving God on the Isaiah 19 Highway. The movement includes Jewish Israeli and Palestinian believers together with those from Turkey, Iran, Armenia, Iraqi Kurdistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus and North Africa. Michael and Alis are also on the leadership team of ‘Katzir’, a national youth ministry in Israel, and are involved with their local congregation in Jerusalem.

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