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Chaim BeShefa
Chaim BeShefa
Abundant Life
Fighting for life, loving the broken and the destitute

Tel-Aviv, Israel
About Chaim BeShefa

Chaim BeShefa exists to fight for the life of the unborn, and to reach out to women in prostitution, drug addiction and homelessness by providing practical care and love.

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Anat and Ishai Brenner
Founders and Directors
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Fighting for life, loving the broken and the destitute

There is a strong connection between unwanted pregnancies, prostitution, human trafficking, and drug and alcohol abuse. Tel Aviv, a modern urban city, is no stranger to these complicated issues.

Ishai and Anat Brenner were moved to take action against abortion by providing practical help to troubled mothers. They quickly realized that any effort to protect the unborn must also consider the needs of the mothers, many of whom are controlled by mafia and human traffickers. They are often victims of severe trauma and subject to drug and alcohol addictions.

Chaim BeShefa offers counseling services and practical care to help women choose life for their babies. At the Red Carpet Nail Center in Tel Aviv, women can find a safe place of respite off the streets. Here they receive hair and nail treatments, a warm shower, clean clothes and a place to sleep. Above all, the women are offered loving care, wise counsel, the truth of the gospel and options for healing and rehabilitation.

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Tel-Aviv, Israel

Chaim BeShefa

Chaim BeShefa offers counseling services and practical care to help women choose life for their babies. At the Red Carpet Nail Center in Tel Aviv, women can find a safe place of respite off the streets. Here they receive hair and nail treatments, a warm shower, clean clothes and a place to sleep. Above all, the women are offered loving care, wise counsel, the truth of the gospel and options for healing and rehabilitation.

About the Leadership

Anat and Ishai Brenner
Founders and Directors

Anat and Ishai Brenner are the founders and directors of Abundant Life Ministries based in the Tel Aviv area. Their teams offer the love of Yeshua to the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes at their Red Carpet Nail Center. They also fight for the protection of babies in the womb as well as their mothers through a crisis hotline and healing seminars.

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