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CBN Israel
CBN Israel
Supporting spiritual, physical, and financial needs in the Messianic body

Jerusalem, Israel
About CBN Israel

CBN Israel is working with and for the Body of believers in a spirit of humility and unity that builds the Kingdom of God on the earth and prepares Israel for the coming of Jesus.

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Daniel Carlson
Deputy Director
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Supporting spiritual, physical, and financial needs in the Messianic body

The Messianic body in Israel has a heart to serve their nation. However, they need practical tools, aid, and services to support and empower their efforts.

CBN Israel is here to love and care forthe local Messianic body through practical service and spiritual support.Their Business Development Departmentnot only teaches biblical business practices and due diligence processes for ministry programs, but also facilitates connections with believing investors through their business forum. CBN Israel hashumanitarian programs in over 16 cities that provide aid and vocational training for single mothers and widows, financial counseling for families in crisis, and support for Holocaust survivors.

Spread hope and love in Israel through practical care and services

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Jerusalem, Israel

CBN Israel

CBN Israel exists to serve the land and people of Israel with a spirit of humility in order to prepare them for Jesus’ return and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth. CBN Israel wants to see hungry people fed, practical needs met, businesses established, and to improve the spiritual, physical and financial situation of the local Messianic body.

About the Leadership

Daniel Carlson
Deputy Director

Danny Carlson is the Deputy Director at CBN Israel. Danny maintains and implements CBN Israel’s vision through project evaluation and planning and a keen eye for efficiency.

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