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Beit Immanuel Messianic Congregation
Beit Immanuel Messianic Congregation
Growing families empowered to share the Gospel in Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel
About Beit Immanuel Messianic Congregation

Beit Immanuel is a congregation focused on strengthening families and the Messianic body in Israel so they can bring the love, healing, and restoration of Jesus to the nation.

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Aleksey Raikhstadt
Senior Pastor
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Growing families empowered to share the Gospel in Israel

The Messianic body in Israel has steadily grown over the past 50 years and needs congregational communities to nurture them as they grow in these demanding times.

Beit Immanuel serves the Messianic body in Israel by strengthening children, youth, and families in their congregation. They teach children the importance of developing personal faith in God, hold regular youth meetings that empower young adults to serve in the congregation and out in the community, and support families through various relationship building activities. Beit Immanuel makes Jesus known in Tel Aviv through humanitarian projects that support Israeli Soldiers, serve Holocaust survivors, and feed the poor.

Build families for Jesus in Tel Aviv

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Tel-Aviv, Israel

Beit Immanuel Messianic Congregation

Beit Immanuel is a community and family oriented congregation walking in the blessing of their Jewish heritage and New Covalent relationship with Jesus. Beit Immanuel was one of the first Messianic congregations in Israel and is dedicated to nurturing the growth of Messianic believers and serving the people of Israel.

About the Leadership

Aleksey Raikhstadt
Senior Pastor

Aleksey and his wife Alla repatriated to Israel from Yakutiya, in the far eastern regions of Siberia. They joined the Beit Immanuel community of Messianic Jews in Jaffa-Tel Aviv in 2000, and a few years later Aleksey was already fully involved in ministry. They have three children, all born in Israel. Aleksey holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degrees in Biblical Studies from Israel College of the Bible, as well as a PhD in Expository Preaching from The Master’s Seminary LA.

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