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Anchor of Hope
Anchor of Hope
Restoring hope to believers in Israel through Godly counsel

Jerusalem, Israel
About Anchor of Hope

Anchor of Hope supports the restoration and healing of the Body in Israel through Biblically based counseling and support services, and by training a network of believing counselors to serve in congregations and Anchor of Hope Counseling Center.

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Dr. Katherine Snyder
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Restoring hope to believers in Israel through Godly counsel

The Body of Messiah in Israel needs a safe place to receive healing and sound, Biblical counsel, and people that will help them through their struggles by pointing them to the freedom found in Jesus.

Anchor of Hope serves the local Body of Messiah in Israel by supporting and encouraging restoration through biblical counseling of individuals, couples, and families. In addition to training counselors as staff for Anchor of Hope Counseling Center, they are establishing a safety net of counselors in local congregations by training believers called to the ministry of Biblical counseling. Anchor of Hope also holds regular seminars to inspire believers to deeper growth in the love of God through the healing process of counseling.

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Jerusalem, Israel

Anchor of Hope

Anchor of Hope was founded in 1993 to fill the glaring need for Biblical counseling in Israel. Anchor of Hope is established in God’s Word and is founded on the truth that Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross, resurrected from the dead, and opened the only way for salvation. Anchor of Hope counselors guide clients towards forgiveness, repentance, and personal renewal so they will experience the fullness of freedom and victory in God’s love.

About the Leadership

Dr. Katherine Snyder

Anchor of Hope Director, Katherine Snyder, PH.D, LMFT, LPC, holds a Masters of Education from of the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Marital and Family Counseling from Fuller Theological Seminary. She has over 10 years of clinical experience, including a Chaplaincy at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland, as Assessment Supervisor at the Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C., and an Employee Assistance Consultant for the Federal Government.

Dr. Snyder has been a dual citizen of the United States and Israel since 1983.

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