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Ahavat Yeshua
Ahavat Yeshua
Growing a Hebrew-speaking, Holy Spirit-empowered community in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Israel
About Ahavat Yeshua

A Holy Spirit-empowered community holding themselves responsible for the salvation of local Jerusalemites.

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Jonathan Moore
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Ariel Blumenthal
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Growing a Hebrew-speaking, Holy Spirit-empowered community in Jerusalem.

Acts 2 demonstrates that congregational life cannot be centered on a weekly meeting. Instead it must be more like a family whose members take part in each other’s lives, serving one another in love. In order to meet this standard, Ahavat Yeshua congregation is committed to the continuing development of home groups and seeing Yeshua’s love increasingly manifested as the congregation grows in members and maturity.

The congregation is based on the pattern of the first community of faith in Jerusalem as described in Acts 2. It strives to share the gospel, train disciples in the next generation, build altars of prayer and small groups, as well as plant new congregations that walk in apostolic unity with the Body of Messiah.

Help reestablish a community in Jerusalem based on the biblical model found in Acts chapter 2.

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Jerusalem, Israel

Ahavat Yeshua

Ahavat Yeshua was started on Shavuot 2006 and remains committed to 5-fold leadership supporting local elders and deacons. With Acts 2 as its pattern, the congregation pursues togetherness as a community. Through passionate worship, ongoing fervent prayer, bible-based teaching, intimate fellowship, and unabashed evangelism, Ahavat Yeshua aims to draw Israelis in to recognize their messiah, Yeshua. The congregation was established to usher Yeshua’s return to reign in Jerusalem by fostering indigenous revival in the midst of end-times darkness. We love connecting to the world in real and long-term relationships.

About the Leadership

Jonathan Moore

Jonathan was thrust into leadership of Ahavat Yeshua in 2016. He has a passion for leadership, homegroups, discipleship, and insistence on inevitable revival. Jonathan and his wife Simcha Naomi (Juster) Moore have four young children. He also has been called to bring business and ministry together, and has a consulting practice helping unlock people, teams, and organizations to fulfill their God-given purpose. Jonathan has enjoyed leading many Israeli entrepreneurial initiatives and guiding strategic planning for organizations ready to rise up.

Ariel Blumenthal

Ariel grew up in a Reform Jewish home. He was searching for meaning in life in Zen Buddhism after college, when he was born again at a church in downtown Tokyo. He made Aliyah in 1998 and co-leads Ahavat Yeshua with Jonathan. He is the author of One New Man—Reconciling Jew & Gentile in One Body of Christ, and teaches the Bible in English, Hebrew, Japanese and Chinese. In addition to his BA from Duke, he holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Yale Divinity School. Ariel and his wife Vered, a 5th generation “sabra,” have 4 children, and live in downtown Jerusalem.

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