
Reflection on Antisemitism from Paul Wilbur

The hate for the Jewish people seems to be spreading like wildfire. Many wonder, have we learned nothing from history?

We are in the 21st century, in the modern enlightened era. The Dark Ages are far behind us. As are the times of Attila the Hun, Haman the Persian, and Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich. And yet…

The scourge of anti-Semitism with all its senseless evil continues to brood and grow among the nations. It is like some kind of unseen disease that slowly eats at the hearts and souls of men.

The Rise of Hate for the Jew

The implications and ramifications of this plague are far reaching. They are so obvious now that one would have to live in a cave in Siberia not to see it.

France is experiencing a tremendous dose of this evil. The hate for the Jewish people comes mainly from its burgeoning Muslim population, but is not limited to it. As a consequence, more French Jews make aliyah (immigration) to Israel than from any other nation, and the numbers are swelling.

Young boys wearing kippahs (yarmulkes) are accosted and beaten by roving gangs of young Muslims in Paris, London and elsewhere. Jewish graves and businesses are vandalized. College campuses in America hold anti-Israel rallies calling for an end to trade with Israel, calling it an ‘apartheid State’.

What is going on and what is the root of this madness? Are we truly living in the 1930s pre-war Europe all over again?

Why Nations Hate the Jewish People?

I have several short answers for you to consider, but they have long-term ramifications. First, there exists in the world, as has always been the case, real evil.

There is a real Satan with a real kingdom who hates the things and people of God. He will stop at nothing to thwart the plans and purposes of God at any cost; the Jewish people happen to be one of the costs he is willing to pay.

Secondly, these are the Days of Elijah, and more of our Jewish friends and families are turning to Yeshua now than ever before. Messianic synagogues and congregations are springing up all over the world, and especially in Israel. Again, we have an adversary who sees this, hates the Jews, and is willing to do anything to keep them away from Messiah.

And last, but not least…the King is coming. The signs are everywhere you turn. Compare Matthew 24 with today’s world news, and you will see what I am talking about.

What to Do about the Widespread Hate for the Jewish People?

Is there anything that can be done to counter this growing evil? Yes, there certainly is something you can do. You can pray, you can support organizations that do good for Israel and the Jewish people. Educate yourself about what is happening and you can get involved.

You can also speak the truth in love when encountering this evil. And you can vote for righteousness in government when the opportunity comes your way. Support your local Messianic congregations and Christian churches that love the Jewish people.

Take a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric and discourse. Pray, speak out, vote, support, don’t tolerate evil and ignorance in our midst!

Zero Tolerance Approach to Hatred

We should be people who are well versed in the issues and arguments that are commonly thrown out there. Especially by people with little to no understanding. Ask yourself important questions:

Who are the Jews? Who really has a right to the land of Israel? Was there ever a place called Palestine? What is the charter of Hamas? Does Iran really want to destroy all the Jews (and Christians)?!

Anti-Semitism is alive and growing right under our collective noses in every nation of the world. It is a plague, a disease, a treachery, an evil that must be recognized for what it is. And then eradicated like ebola, cancer, or any infectious disease that is killing mankind.

In a Hostile World

Replacement theology in our churches and tolerating Islamic hate speech are just the beginning of our failings. Looking the other way because it doesn’t directly affect me is a recipe for another catastrophic disaster. And this time it won’t be conventional weapons; it will be nuclear.

Very few people know that we were moments away from a nuclear holocaust during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Israel was out of ammunition and the Arab armies were making fast progress toward Jerusalem. President Richard M. Nixon was stalling to rearm Israel when Golda Meir called him on the hotline.

She threatened to take the entire Middle East with her to the grave if he didn’t send immediate aid. He hung up the phone and called in the Hercules planes. They were loaded with what was necessary to push back the certain destruction of the world as we knew it.

Antisemitism is Everyone’s Problem

Today we live in a very different place in history. Many of the enemies of Israel are also nuclear-armed. Or, like Iran, are speeding toward nuclear capability. The problem we now face is an anti-Semitism that hates all men everywhere who are not like them!

You can be certain of this. If you tolerate anti-Semitism because you are not Jewish or Israeli, what will you do when they come for you and your family? Yes, tragically six million Jewish men, women and children perished in Hitler’s Holocaust. But so did six million Christians and ‘undesirables’ along with them.

Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem—it is a global disease that needs immediate attention. My Bible says that sin is a reproach to any nation, but righteousness will exalt a nation (Proverbs 14:34). The sin of anti-Semitism is a reproach that will bring the judgment of a jealous God (Zechariah 8:1-2), but righteousness will save any nation that dares to take a stand!

Paul Wilbur
Paul Wilbur is an Integrity Music recording artist and President of Wilbur Ministries. For more information, visit www.wilburministries.com.
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