The Jewish Priest What do you think of when you hear the word “priest”? Most people wouldn't think of a Jewish priest. Depending on your background, a particular style of clothing might come to mind or a specific religious denomination....
Bible Teachings on Israel
The Bible comes alive in the land of Israel. As one explores the sites and studies the Hebrew language, ancient mysteries unfold. FIRM staff writers and teaching experts dive into some of the most fascinating Bible teachings on Israel. Which includes her land, her people and more.
Wilderness Meaning in the Bible Wilderness appears in the Bible regularly and, what is more, it is often the background of significant events.When God freed His people from slavery in Egypt, He didn't bring them straight into the Promised Land....
Hope is interwoven in our fabric as human beings. It is part of our narrative. The Bible details many stories of hope amongst God’s people, looking toward something greater, waiting for an answer to prayer.
Christians are called to support Israel through the very Word of God. God's covenant with Abraham reminds us to be burdened with what burdens the very heart of God. This is a call to roll up our sleeves and dedicate...
It is not uncommon for some Christians to say that they have "a heart for Israel". Usually what they mean by that is not just giving special attention to the news coming out of this country. Rather, it means that...
What is Fulfillment Theology? The Fulfillment Theology is the belief that the Church has replaced ethnic Israel in terms of God’s calling and His promises. Also called Replacement Theology, it is the belief that the Church is the “new Israel”....
The story of Queen Esther, recorded in the book named after her, revolves around the deliverance of Israel while in Persia. Many are familiar with the story of Purim, the holiday commemorating the salvation. But there is also an underlying...
Why Israel Matters to the World It's undeniable that Israel matters to the world. But why? We need to consider there is something Sovereign at work. And an important "something" in the Bible makes it very clear. “Nations will come...
The True Israel of God Some Bible verses about God's covenant with the Jews and "one new man" can seem confusing. For example, who is "the Israel of God"? Is there such a thing as "spiritual Israel"? Is it different...
Israel and the Church What is the connection between Israel and the Church? In this article's context, Israel means the Jewish people. Everything that God has done for the Church, He has done for Israel, and vice versa. Our calling...
Typical Replacement Theology Teachings Replacement theology isn’t new. We can trace it as far back as the 3rd century. How did it come into the Church and come to dominate so much of it? A widely distributed Christian magazine published...
God's Promises for Restoration to Israel and the Church There is no question that we are living in times of restoration. Never before was God so active as over the past century in restoring what needs to be restored. Both...