
In Giving We Receive

The theme of giving and receiving is more than just a financial principle of generosity. The Bible gives many examples of how it can be applied universally. Have you noticed?If we bless Israel, we will be blessed, if we curse Israel, we will be cursed (Gen 12:3). We will be judged according to the measure we judge others (Matt 7:2). If we bring the tithe, the storehouses of heaven are opened (Mal 3:10).

Wise and cautious… in giving?

We like to place our values on commitment, hard work, stewardship, and providing for our families. These are all noble ideas.Yet when it comes to giving or generosity, we tend to be a little hesitant, wanting to make sure we don’t “go crazy”… you know, in the name of “wisdom” and “responsibility”.

While there can be an element of truth to this, we may be using these words to cover up for “fear” or “self-preservation” that are rooted in our hearts. However, the more we learn about who God is, we quickly learn this is the opposite of how He gives.

Amazingly, in His wisdom and kindness towards us, God allows us to use our own measure of generosity towards others. By doing so, He provides a constant opportunity for us to readjust our standards. It’s a theme that repeats throughout the Bible.

When someone is described as generous, we equate them as being profoundly kind. We see them as going above and beyond normal expectations, giving abundantly and unselfishly.

Typically, finances come to mind first, and reasonably so. Scripture is filled with teachings on money because of the connection between finances and our priorities.So then, what about generosity as it relates to our time and our words? Can we be generous with the skills and talent we have? God uses money as a tool to speak to us about issues of the heart.

The Jewish community takes the responsibility of giving with great pride. The concept known as tzedakah finds its origins in the Torah. This Hebrew word literally means righteousness, but Hebrew speakers use it in reference to giving and charity. 

man pouring coffee for another man

The Heart of Generosity

There are multiple passages in the Hebrew Scriptures where God instructs the Jewish people to perform acts of tzedakah. God is specifically commanding the Israelites to consider the poor among them, as recorded in Leviticus 19:9-10 and Deuteronomy 15:7-8. 

We can also see a prime example of living in the spirit of generosity in the life of Abraham. He often gave of his time and wealth whenever he was showing hospitality to travelers. Forgoing his own comfort, he gave his nephew Lot first choice in selecting property.And what is more, Abraham was generous with his knowledge of God, residing among pagan tribes. Can we be generous in the way we love and serve others?

The Core Attitude 

The common denominator is this: generous people are generous because they don’t hold on to anything too tightly, whether money or status. It is all about the posture and condition of our heart. 

Are we clinging onto that which we believe will give us security? Or are we at peace, confident in the truth that God knows what and when we need? Is He our provider? Jack Hayford describes it this way: “learning to be a giver is rooted in clarifying who we perceive as our ultimate source in life – ourselves or God.”

If your delight and confidence is in the Kingdom of God, you will no doubt be generous with all that God has entrusted to you and blessed you with on the earth. 

Give to Receive

Whether resulting in positive or negative outcomes, we get back what we give out. Try it for yourself. Do you need more grace and mercy in your relationships? Look for opportunities to give grace and mercy to those that don’t deserve it.

Do you wonder why your friends keep a distance? Try being the vulnerable friend to others, like the one you are looking for. Are you in over your head with your business? Find ways to serve and be generous when others ask for your help.

When we are faithful with little, we are given more. This amazing principle is dependent on our own decisions and actions.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say on generosity. Proverbs 11:24-25 says,

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

Solomon, the author of these words, contrasts the generous person with a tightfisted one, and warns against the wrong patterns. It seems counterintuitive that the one who gives more away will actually have more.However, when we view this through God’s wisdom, we see that being generous demonstrates our faith. We trust God with what He Himself entrusted to us.

I love the play on words here. One way we demonstrate our trust in God is by faithfully stewarding what He has entrusted to us. In turn, He can trust us with more. 

friends sharing food

Provided for in God

This is a profound aspect of discipleship that is rooted in a foundational characteristic of God. To state the obvious, there is no one more generous than God. As we are becoming more like Him, we will find we are becoming more generous as well.

It is at the very core of the gospel message. When God saw our sin, He didn’t pull back but in the most generous and selfless acts ever, gave His only Son on our behalf – to a people who didn’t ask for it or know that they needed it.

That was the biggest act of generosity – sacrificial generosity – known to mankind. 

Then, there was another gift we were given – at Pentecost. It was the most memorable feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), when the Holy Spirit had taken up residence in their hearts.

What do we Lack?

Followers of Jesus were not in need, because people were selling their things to make sure all we cared for (Acts 4:32-35). As a result, the new believers were being multiplied daily.

Later in the book of Acts, when there was a prophetic word about a coming famine, the early church didn’t start to horde to survive. Instead, it responded in generosity and took up an offering for the believers in that area (Acts 11:28-30).

The more active we allow God to be in our lives and the closer we walk with Him, the more generous towards others we will become. The blessings of God overtake us, and with new responsibility and authority we are also given enough to give where He leads us.

Sharing is Trusting

This begs the question, is it wrong to be a follower of Jesus and also be wealthy? 

Consider wealth as a test of heart and mindset. Wealth and possessions are not inherently bad things. But do we desire wealth and “stability” more than we desire the presence of God? Do we trust money more than we trust God? Where does our confidence lie? 

Can’t we look to both earthly and heavenly treasures? Apostle Matthew describes and warns us against this very thing: “For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.” (Matthew 6:21)

In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus describes a widow with not much to her name who deposits two small copper coins into the offering box at the Temple.She gives to God out of obedience and with a generous heart, even though there’s clearly not much to give from. She is possibly jeopardizing her very livelihood by giving at all, but Jesus acknowledged her. 

An Act of Gratitude

The story of the widow reminds me of someone I met while volunteering with a local Jewish organization a few years ago.Each year, on the weekends leading up to Passover in the spring and Rosh Hashanah in the fall, the organization assembles holiday care packages for members of the local Jewish community. Some are ill, others are isolated, and many benefited from this sweet gesture. 

I was making a delivery to a lady in a low-income apartment complex that housed mostly immigrants and senior citizens. Many who receive these care packages are truly touched by the gesture and offer enthusiastic words of thanks. This lady was no exception. 

child holding a mothers hand

I handed over the goods to her and ended our courteous exchange by wishing her a “chag sameach” (happy holiday). As I was walking away, the lady rushed after me to thank me yet again. With tears in her eyes she forced some chocolate bars and kiwi fruits into my hands. 

I realized this lady impacted me not because I left her home with treats of my own. It was because she wanted to express her gratitude with her own act of generosity.She was living in low-income housing and was on the organization’s list of those in need. She was fit to receive a holiday care package, and yet, she was moved to give of whatever little she had. 

By God’s Grace

I hope this story inspires you as much as it inspired me. We rest in the knowledge that God is the provider of all things. He is gracious and loves to bless His children. Confident in His provision, we give liberally out of it. Generosity is a state of the heart, not of one’s wallet.

We are generous, because God has been and continues to be generous with us. He lavished His love on us, and this should cause us to respond in kind, in every aspect of life.  

7 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know: Free PDF Download

With the use of the Hebrew language God revealed Himself to mankind. This ancient tongue held the greatest spiritual truths that guided our lives through the ages. And in each generation, they are discovered anew.

We know the Bible can be hard to understand and you want to get more out of it. Which is why we want to teach you seven Hebrew words that will transform the way you read the Bible.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes


  1. Hayford, Jack. “Profit, Property and Possessiveness.” Jackhayfordlibrary.com, 25 Feb. 1979. 
FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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