
A ministry in the Negev desert helps meet the needs of widows, orphans and high-risk families in Israel through humanitarian aid and discipleship programs.

Streams in the Desert Israel ministers to widows and orphans 
Israel ministry for widows and orphans 

“A Way in the Wilderness and Streams in the Desert!” The prophet Isaiah recorded this promise – a beautiful reminder of the loving heart of God. When God guaranteed to make streams in the desert, He said it in the context of rescuing the hopeless. Calling Himself their Redeemer, the Lord spoke specifically to the people of Israel. In the following verse, He reassured them of His intention to give drink to His chosen people.

The name “Streams in the Desert” was adopted by an inspiring Israeli ministry that does its part in fulfilling the biblical command to care for the widow and the orphan. Founded by Marianna Gol, the ministry is facing the wilderness quite literally – its home is the Israeli desert where they serve the poor by meeting their physical and spiritual needs.

Streams in the Desert

Marianna has all the qualities of a fairy godmother – she’s cheerful, kind and wise. With her staff and volunteers, they support the needy emotionally, through counseling and parent support groups. They also assist them practically through career development, and as a liaison to government welfare offices.

Streams in the desert ministry 
Ministry for Orphans in Israel 

Recently Marianna introduced me to her new staff member, Anna. As it turned out, Anna is a walking testimony of how Streams in the Desert is changing lives. Her family moved to Israel when she was a little girl, and they struggled to make ends meet. As a child in a low-income family she received assistance from Marianna’s ministry. Thanks to their help, Anna grew up in a safe and warm home.

What is even more inspiring about Anna’s story is that today she is a follower of Jesus. “Streams in the Desert” was able to mentor hundreds of youth through summer camp initiatives and provided Bibles to many young adults.

Impact lives of orphans and widows in Israel through Streams in the Desert

A Way in the Wilderness

However, there is a part of their work that is much less glamorous than giving out Bibles. Streams in the Desert also blesses the needy by paying their bills and bringing them groceries. These simple but essential tasks are more difficult than one would expect. It is in the day to day when Marianna and her team want to show God’s love to those around them.

Join Streams in the Desert today and play a part in filling up the fridge of a hungry family or supporting their children’s education. Start the year by giving!

Learn More at the Streams in the Desert Member Profile
Estera Wieja is a journalist, book author and public speaker, focused on the topics of Israel, Jewish history, and Judeo-Christian culture. Born and raised in Poland, Estera is a regular contributor to "Our Inspirations" magazine in Poland. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a master's degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018.
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