
Partnering for the full restoration of Israel and the Church

Tikkun International is a Messianic Jewish umbrella organization and apostolic network of leaders, congregations, and ministries in covenantal relationship for mutual accountability, support, and equipping to extend the Kingdom of God in America, Israel, and throughout the world.

This network is made up of associated ministries and congregations both in Israel and around the world who come together under this umbrella organization for accountability, support, and direction.

“Tikkun” is the Hebrew word for restoration, and their vision comes from Acts 3:21, “heaven must receive Him, until the time of the restoration of all things that God spoke about long ago through the mouth of His holy prophets.” (TLV)

Benjamin Juster, the executive director, shares that the purpose of the organization is “building the Kingdom of God together and seeing the full restoration of Israel and the Church together in unity.”

How They Do It:

  • Equip, educate, and send forth those from the US called to Messianic Jewish ministry in Israel.
  • Fundraise, and provide charitable aide and support for Aliyah (immigration) to Israel and for indigenous international ministries.
  • Empower a network of Messianic Jewish Congregations through biblical governance and partnerships in education, training, national conferences, and leadership development.
  • Exhort and educate the Church regarding her Jewish roots and responsibilities to the Jewish people.
  • Partner with Church leaders for the restoration of Israel and the Church.

“We pray, ‘God, how would you like us to sow this money to best extend your Kingdom and prepare for the return of Jesus?’”
Benjamin Juster | Executive Director of Tikkun International



With a vision to equip others for effective ministry, Tikkun International trains leaders and congregational members through visits to congregations, conferences, training institutes, and network correspondence.



“We are not made to walk this journey alone!”
Because Tikkun understands the importance and value of community, they offer encouragement and counseling to leaders of ministries and congregations, especially during times of difficulty and spiritual struggles.



Tikkun International provides oversight through its emissaries by participating in local eldership deliberations on major decisions through the submission of reports, regular communication, and on-site visits.



When leaders are accountable for their ministry and personal lives, congregants can live in safety. Tikkun’s accountability framework includes biblical teaching, financial management, program implementation, and supporting the quality of congregational leadership.


Associated Ministries Worldwide


The ministries connected to the Tikkun network across the globe represent the diverse expressions of the heart of God. They include:

  • Evangelism
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Local Congregations
  • Healing
  • Missions


Prayer Points:

  • Unity among Messianic Believers and the Church
  • Leaders and their families – financial provision, health, and encouragement
  • Young People – Stay strong in faith while in military
  • Financial Provision – Plant congregations and fund outreaches
  • Effective Equipping of Leaders – Church planters, teachers, evangelists, worship leaders
  • Revival in Israel – Healing to spread through land

“This Good News of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14 (TLV)

FIRM is a global fellowship of Biblically-grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships that bless the inhabitants of Israel—Jews, Arabs, and others—and the Jewish community around the world.
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