Jesus in the Torah and the Old Testament We don't normally associate Jesus with the Torah or the Old Testament. Usually, people who desire to know Jesus and His teachings turn to the New Testament. They read the Gospels, which...
What is the Meaning of "Holy"? The meaning of “holy” is often defined by the culture we find ourselves to be a part of. But the ancient Biblical culture gives us a very specific perspective on this unique word. Merriam-Webster...
Jacob I loved, but Esau I have hated How can we reconcile a God who says He is love when He also says He hated someone? It sounds unfathomable, that a Good Father would turn His heart against someone. We...
Why can no one see God's face and live? Sometimes we run across concepts in the Scriptures that simply don’t make sense to us. Or they seem to contradict each other. When we find these occurrences, rather than ignoring it,...
The Significant Biblical History of Jerusalem There is no city on earth that can compare in value to Jerusalem. While believers revere Jerusalem's significance as the city where Jesus walked, was crucified and rose from the dead, it was valuable...
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless." These are famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who was killed by the Nazis for resisting the regime. However, he was not the...
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